You are only limited to your Imagination.

Category: Internships

RMG x King Z3US Youtube Music Night

!LLMIND and Atlas told me an event was coming up where one of the artist (King Z3us) was going to perform at the Youtube studio. It was on the same day I go in to record !llmind in the studio. They wanted me to shoot the day and make a quick recap video of what happened. When I came in they were getting ready to leave. I decided to shoot with !llminds camera a Canon Rebel T6i. I also used  his lens. I really wanted to see the difference it made using his equipment instead of mine. There was clearly a big difference and it made me realize I needed an upgrade.
I turned on the camera and we walked out. I started filming and following everyone out to the car. We got in and took a ride to Manhattan around Chelsea. We got there pretty early so we went to get some food in Chelsea market. Upstairs there is the YouTube studio we will be heading to. As we sat and ate they were still amazed with the video I presented to them, especially the music.
Afterwards, we headed to what appeared to be an elevator that was especially made for YouTube. We get on the elevator and when we come out I was amazed. There was a front desk with some snacks on it. The main feature of the room was the stage with a huge screen behind it showing the artist who would be performing for the night. There were large stairs that people could sit on facing the stage which was pretty cool. They took us back stage where there was a smorgasbord of sandwiches, beverages and snacks. I couldn’t wait to dig in! I thought this had to be the best internship ever, going to an event like this.  So I made sure to get all the behind the scenes footage I could. It was time to take a break so I ate. Soon the show was ready to start and there were other artist well known also going to perform.
My main job was to get the footage of !llmind’s artist King Z3us. But since I had extra space on my SD card I also got footage of the other artist. I used !llmind’s camera to film along with his lens. Everything came out a lot clearer than with my lens. I learned it was because of the f stop. My lens lowest f stop was 5.6 but this lens that I was using was 2.8. I was able to get a much clearer brighter shot in low light situations. So I came to the conclusion at the end of the night I needed a new lens if I were to continue this videography position.

Week 4 – #8020party (You want me to edit?)

The second #8020party I was there with not as many interns as before. The night went well. I did my best to take as many great shots as possible like last time. It was an enjoyable night. One of !llminds artist “King Z3us” showed up as well. I was slightly nervous to be filming thinking he may be irritated to have the camera pointed at him, especially with the bright light I had. But I continued doing my job and got all the footage I could. The night went on and before I knew it the night was over.

At the end of the set I told !llmind we should do a signing out kind of video. Basically just a video saying thank you for coming out and being apart of this amazing experience. So we went outside and I got my camera ready. It was still a dark shot and there would be too much noise when I would raise the ISO which I didn’t want . But I shot it anyway. It upset me because I know he has a 60,000 plus fan base probably even more. I didn’t want to put out unprofessional work but for the moment thats what it had to be.

We made our partings. I went home and the A&R Atlas texted me and said he wanted me to do the edit because the other intern who did it before was busy on another project. I was surprised! I knew I had the ability but yet again I was nervous because I want to produce professional work. I immediately responded and said I would. I wondered how I would pull off a nice 45 second party video recap. I then remembered the video the other intern did. It didn’t seem all that entertaining to me. It should be a video that should grab the audience and make them want to come to the next party.

So I thought and figured that I needed some good music which the last clip didn’t have. I didn’t want to download any music off the internet and cause any copyright issues. So I decided, I am a music producer myself so I’ll make the music for the video. So I took some time to make the music and I came up with something I was very pleased with. I placed the instrumental into Adobe Premiere Pro and sifted through all the footage I thought was useable. I edited the video to the rhythm of the music which makes things very easy for me. I worked very hard putting together a video I thought would appeal to !llmind’s audience.

I uploaded the video onto the dropbox I share with !llmind and Atlas. The next day I went into the studio they were amazed with the work I provided. They couldn’t believe that was my music. They thought it was something I found on the internet. I’m glad I got the opportunity to work on that video. It opened many more doors.