Final exam and course grades posted!

Esteemed Students!!

I have entered your final course grades on CUNYfirst, and your final exam grades and final course grades in the GradeBook here on OL!!  (linked at bottom right corner of home page)  Your final exam grades in the GradeBook include any extra credit points for posts, briefs, and participation in the final exam review session–you should see a list of them if you click the “comment bubble” next to the final exam grade.  Of course, if you have questions about your grades, or anything at all, please let me know.

THANK YOU, to each and every one of you, for a wonderful semester!   We continue to live in extremely challenging circumstances, and in my view, the fact that you are even attempting to continue your education in these conditions makes each of you a Rock Star.  And your achievement of such knowledge and success in the process makes you Super Duper Rock Stars!  (or whatever the best kind of Rock Star is)  I truly enjoyed working with, and getting to know, each of you, and I hope to work with you again in some way.  I will be happy to provide academic advisement, or a reference, or discuss future plans, or anything at all that might be useful.  PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me anytime!  I’ll generally be available during the summer, and always.  And please just keep in touch!  I want to hear all about your achievements and successes (and challenges if you’d like to share them).

Thank you again.  Have a terrific summer!!  🙂


Prof. C.

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