Who I Am

Hello everybody my name is Shayer Hossain. I’m in the Law and Paralegal program because it’s something that I feel like I can be good in and something that I found a passion for. Before I enrolled into this program I felt like many other people I knew in life who were just taking general education classes and not feeling strongly toward one study or program. I reconnected with someone awhile back that comes from the same neighborhood as me and is pretty similar to me overall and to my surprise they ended up becoming a lawyer. After many conversations with them they sparked my curiosity in the law field and I took the plunge and enrolled in the program and found a passion for this field.  My goal now is to get a bachelors degree from this program and hopefully move onto law school shortly after this and of course have a career in this field.

Something I’d like you guys to know about me is that I’m a huge NBA fan. I randomly watched an NBA game once for the first time in my freshman year of high school out of boredom and have been a diehard fan of the league since. One of my dreams is to one day actually watch a game in person. I was supposed to go to a Brooklyn Nets game in March last year but then Coronavirus happened and well I had to put that dream on pause for now. I’m hoping the world goes back to normal soon and I’ll be able to attend a game sooner than expected. Thanks for reading this guys.

2 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Hey Shayer I enjoyed reading your post. I also have a passion for the law field hopefully we both get into law school after we complete our bachelors. I’m also a huge basketball fan I am a diehard Knicks fan. I found out news today arenas are opening back this month at 10 percent capacity so hopefully you can catch a game soon because a basketball game’s atmosphere is electric. Good luck this semester

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