Daziah’s Time Keeping Sheet

Thursday October 8th, 2020

7:00am -Alarm wakes me up

1.0- wake my brother up then go in the Shower/ and brush my teeth

0.25- Gets dress goes to my brother room

1.0- Helps My Brother with his school work

0.25- Makes my brother breakfast

1.0- Helps my brother with his school work again

0.50- start my work while helping my brother with his work

Being that I have no school on Thursday I spend most of my time helping my brother being that he has school all throughout the day until 2. He be having a hard time keeping focus in class so I would have to sit by him for majority of the day. I do my homework as well majority of the day and cook for my brother and stuff. Also in the afternoon when my mom comes home I will take my dog for a walk, but on Thursdays I really do not be doing much.

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