Hi!! I’ll be your Peer Mentor for the Semester. Welcome to City Tech!

Good Morning Everyone!! Happy Friday and congrats on finishing your first full week of college!!! My name is Ngozi and I’ll be your Peer Mentor for the semester. (check out my video bellow to learn more about me and why I’m here!)

As I stated in the video, I’m here as an extra resource to help and guide you through your first semester of college. Starting college is already a difficult transition without the weight of learning virtually during a global pandemic. So we all need a little extra support and encouragement, and I’m here for you! If you have any questions at all, pleaseee email me at Ngozi.Okonkwo@mail.citytech.cuny.edu.

Throughout the semester, usually on Mondays or Tuesdays, I will be posting tips, resources, information and events, so continue to check this page for updates!

Making sure you have everything up and running during your first week is really important in having a smoother semester. From the posts and interactions that I’ve been seeing on OpenLab, it looks like you guys are already doing great! Here is a first week checklist to help you make sure you are properly set up for the semester –> Companion_FirstWeekChecklist_F20 . While the contents of the checklist remain the same, this checklist was made for an on-campus semester. So instead of visiting the various rooms, you can email the departments if you need any extra help -their emails can be found on the City Tech website. If you can’t find the email, or you’d just rather ask me, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to help!

I’m excited to work with you this semester. It may be difficult, but we can do it!! Once again, welcome to City Tech, congrats on completing your first week, and have a great long weekend!

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