Who I am

I’m Paradise Bermudez, I’ve always been interested in the work lawyers do and learning more about our court systems. Along with that I’m in the law and paralegal program because I knew that it would be the only major to keep me going through college because it really is the only thing I find interesting. My main goal is to stay focus and determined throughout school. For a long time I debated going to college because I felt like I wouldn’t be able to finish or I’d give up, so my main goal is prove myself wrong and be able to accomplish more than I thought I could.Ā A little about myself, I was born and raised In Brooklyn and lived here my whole life but I am Puerto Rican. There is a lot of pressure on me with going to college being that neither of my parents did. Honestly I feel like I owe it to myself to finish college because I know the extravagant life I want to have in the future and this is the path I need to take.

Who I Am!


I am a God fearing man fleeing from harm begging for the protection of my lifeĀ 


I was once labeled “a ward of the state”, now I’m a family man even though as a child I was deprived of it. Im in search of an identity & financial stability because I’m aĀ job loss away from becoming homeless, I’m “working poor” is how I’ll best define it. Overall being the first out of the 3 generations of my family tree to graduate from college is my greatest achievement. I hope to able to finish my bachelor’s & find a way to be able to afford law school in order to become a Public Defendant. Well I’m afraid I said to much but here’s a little more about myself, I’m a person that’s “off the grid” meaning I have no social media accounts. Im a person that doesn’t like to waste electricity or water so I try to be mindful and avoid the overuse of it.

I feel that college has help me a great deal by allowing me to be apart of something by sort of giving me an identity & a platform in order to speak, listen & read. Well more into my backstory, Im Puerto Rican but only on paper. I also like to read, so far this summer I read 4 books: non-fiction & I like to watch Netflix, Youtube, HBO Max & I don’t like watching TV. I was born & raised in Manhattan’s Upper East Side & briefly Lower East Side as well, I now live in Brooklyn. I first want to be a Lawyers Assistant Lord willing I graduate so I can learn first hand and build the confidence needed in order to do my best at the position then ultimately be able to pass the bar exam. Wish me luck!



Quote: I am who ever you say I am – EMINEM

Who I Am

My name is Joshua Cummings. Iā€™m in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because my whole life people have told me that I should be a lawyer. But I always knew that 7+ more years of school after high school wasnā€™t something I really wanted to do so I thought why not be an assistant. I donā€™t really have any goals but Iā€™m now interested in becoming a process server for a little bit.

Iā€™ve lived in Brooklyn my whole life. I was raised by my mom and some of my earliest memories are of her bringing me into her college classes and since then I really looked forward to the college experience. To be honest there’s nothing much to say which is why this post is so short.

SAMPLE legal news response! for extra credit!!

Dear Students:

Here’s the assignment for Legal News Responses that you may post for extra credit. The following excellent legal news response was posted by a student in my Fall 2020 LAW 1101/1103 FYLC.Ā  She earned two extra points on her midterm exam, and we all had an interesting discussion!Ā  As you can see, legal news responses are pretty easy, and can be fun to write.Ā  I hope you’ll write them!Ā 

Prof. C.

The article I chose was called ā€œColumbus Day Or Indigenous Peoplesā€™ Day?ā€ Iā€™m not sure if the author is Leila Fadel but National Desk intern Megan Manata contributed to this report. This was written on October 14, 2019Ā  for the NPR Daily Newsletter and was heard on the Morning Edition.https://www.npr.org/2019/10/14/769083847/columbus-day-or-indigenous-peoples-day

The article was about the reasons explaining why the second Monday in October shouldnā€™t be called Columbus Day.Ā  Instead, it should be called Indigenous Day or another name that celebrates the Indigenous communities. The reason is itā€™s been giving memory and honor to a person who did a lot of damage to the indigenous community of North America by raping, causing genocide to their people, and pillaging. We supposedly celebrate that day and that person because he found ā€˜Americaā€™, but technically speaking he didnā€™t even reach America. Their is a lot of controversy of what should happen to this day because Italians see it as a day where they can finally be safe and accepted.Ā  Others say we need another way to contribute to representation of all different kinds of people on this day. But the objection is clear, that we should change the name everywhere, eradicating Columbus Day so it can be Indigenous Day, honoring people who were first in America, who where kicked out wrongly, abused and killed as a result of Christopher Columbus.

I 100% support this movement because instead of setting our history right we are telling lies and hurting the Indigenous communities. I didnā€™t know many of them went to our schools and that they even had to hear of this man been spoken of with such praises and proudness over, what he supposedly did. I remember being in school and learning of him thinking he was this great man but little did I know the truth. The Native Americans even have to hear that a whole day is dedicated to this man everyone stopping what there doing to honor this man, thatā€™s like a punishment to the Indigenous community when they should be the ones being celebrated for not Columbus. The law should be changed to rename the day Indigenous Day as a step toward extinguishing the suffering of the Native Americans once and for all. A cruelty is being done towards them when they went through so much over a land they actually respect not like us, who destroy the land with global warming, forests being cut down, destroying animals homes etc. I see Italians’ point of view but they shouldnā€™t identify to this man as a symbol to their country because of all the inhuman stuff he did to this people.Ā  We need to change the law to amend the wrong of our past, not just in one state but in all.

Who I am

My name is Aaoni T. Solomon. I am interested in the Law and Paralegal program because I want to become a lawyer. My father is a lawyer and he has worked very hard to make something of his name. I want to follow in his footsteps and help him build our law firm. My short-term goals are to end my first year of college with a high GPA to start my college education off strong. My long-term goal is to graduate college and go to law school and be successful. I want to study real estate law and entertainment law.

A little bit about myself, I have lived in Harlem most of my life and wanted a change of scenery for college. I am mixed, my mother is Puerto Rican and my father is African American. My birthday is January 24th, 2003, making me 18 years old. I am a dancer and have been dancing since I was 5 years old however I have stopped since covid has started. Some of my hobbies are listening to music and self-care. I love spending time on my skin and hair and keeping it up to my high expectations. I love to travel and in the future, I want to travel to more Caribbean islands and even to Europe. I hope one day to get married and start a family of my own.

Who I am!

I am Kerin Coughlin, the instructor of these courses! Ā I teach in our Law and Paralegal Studies program because I love law, and I love teaching! Ā Many moons ago, I was a junior high school Social Studies teacher, then I became a lawyer, and I practiced law full-time for about twelve years.Ā  During most of that time, I was a commercial litigator, which means I represented parties to civil lawsuits involving businesses.Ā  While I was practicing full-time, I started teaching law part-time, then I decided to switch it up.Ā  This is my eighth year teaching full-time here at City Tech.Ā  I love it!Ā  My favorite part of teaching is working with students.Ā  You’re all awesome! šŸ™‚

Something I want you to know about me is that I love my cat, Darryl.Ā  I adopted him nine years ago, when he was about one year old, after Hurricane Sandy which flooded the house in Breezy Point where he lived with a family.Ā  The family moved to a shelter that didn’t take cats, so they put him up for adoption.Ā  I’m so glad they did!Ā  He came to live with me a few weeks later.Ā  He’s a wonderful roommate, though he’s really lazy about doing chores.Ā  Below is one of my favorite photos of him, snuggling with the Bluebook, which you’ll learn to love as much as he does as you progress through our program!

WELCOME to Law and Paralegal Studies!Ā  šŸ™‚

Prof. C.

ZOOM CLASS TODAY!! Thurs. Sept. 2, 10:30am

Good morning Students!

I hope you and your families are all healthy and safe following last night’s storm.Ā  Due to the City’s advisory to avoid travel because of effects of the storm, I propose to hold today’s class on ZOOM rather than meet in person.Ā  Here is the link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81380874817 (Meeting ID 813 8087 4817)

I also sent an email with this message.Ā  PLEASE RESPOND TO THE EMAIL TO LET ME KNOW YOU ARE OK, AND WHETHER YOU CAN JOIN TODAY’S CLASS ON ZOOM.Ā  I suggest we start at 10:30am, in case any students prefer to meet in person (which is fine) or if they don’t see this message, and come to the classroom–I’ll meet them there and arrange for all of us to participate in class together.

PLEASE RESPOND TO MY EMAIL!!Ā  I will post a similar message on OpenLab and Blackboard.

Thank you, and stay safe!!

Prof. C.

WELCOME! to LAW 1101/1103!

WELCOME!Ā  to LAW 1101/1103 FYLC and our OpenLab site!Ā  I hope your find this site useful.Ā  Please poke around and check out the tabs above, especially “Assignments” and “Class notes & materials” where you’ll find particularly important information!

I look forward to seeing you in our next class, and to a terrific semester with you!


Prof. C.