LAW 1101 Quiz #1 is AVAILABLE! Due 11:59pm Thursday Sept. 23!

Good evening Students!

Don’t forget, LAW 1101 quiz #1 is available on Blackboard, and it’s due by 11:59pm tomorrow!  (Thursday, Sept. 23)  Please complete it during any one-hour period before then.

I’m still hopeful the weather will cooperate and we can take our walking tour of the Brooklyn courts on Thursday!  Either way, let’s meet at the entrance to the New Academic Building (where our class meets) at 10am and decide whether to take the tour, or hold regular class and postpone the tour.

Have a great evening, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

Get your copy of the CPLR!!

Dear Students!

You will need to have a paper copy of the 2021 version of New York’s Civil Practice Law and Rules (the “CPLR”) in class starting Tuesday, October 5.  That’s not far away!  Please order it now.  This is the one I showed you, named in the syllabus:

  • Civil Practice Law and Rules of the State of New York Plus Comprehensive Appendix of Related Statute (Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc., ISBN# 9780930137120): $59.95 at the City Tech Bookstore or the publisher’s website.

I have not seen a paper copy of this one but it looks like it will do the trick:

  • Consolidated Laws of New York Civil Practice Law & Rules 2021 Edition by Jason Lee (ed.) (New York Government independent publisher, ISBN #979-8712577750), about $30 at, about $35 at

This one is NOT ideal, because it is not current, but it is only two years old, so if necessary, it should be OK:

  • New York State Civil Practice Law and Rules 2019 Edition by Evgenia Naumchenko (ed.) (New York Legislature independent publisher, ISBN # 9781097208609), available for $15-30 at and

PLEASE order your book SOON!!  October 5 is not far away, and shipping can be slow!  When you order it, please let me know which one you get, preferably by posting here on OL (so your classmates see), or email me.  If several of you order one of the “non-bookstore” options, I may order it too!

If you can get a current paper copy of the CPLR from another source, like a friend or library, let me know and we’ll see if it can work.  Finally, if purchasing a book creates significant financial hardship, talk to me and we’ll figure something out.


Prof. C.

QUIZ today! NO CLASSES tomorrow & Thursday!

Dear Students,

I hope you all enjoyed your “law-class-free” day!  Most of you have completed the quiz on Blackboard—hooray!!  And most of you did well.  🙂   If you haven’t yet taken the quiz, please do!!  You have until 5:30pm to start it, after that you won’t be able to access it on Blackboard.  You’ll find it in the course titled “2021 Fall LAW 1101 & 1103 FYLC: Intro to Paralegal Studies & Civil Law & Procedure” – NOT the course titled as just LAW 1103.  The quiz is in “Content,” at the top of the list of items.  By the time you read this, I will no longer be available by phone, so if you have questions, please email me and I’ll respond as soon as I can, probably not till tomorrow.

PLEASE NOTE, there are NO CLASSES in the whole college tomorrow (Wed.) and Thursday, Sept. 15-16, in observance of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur.  Classes resume Friday, and we’ll meet again next Tuesday, Sept. 21 in our regular classroom.  Before that class, please read C&W ch. 2 on BB & “NYS Courts: Introductory Guide” right here.  Please also check out the “Court System Materials” posted on the “Class notes & materials” page, near the bottom.  I’ll give you paper copies Tuesday!

I have posted a bunch of new information here on OpenLab!!  Under “Events & info,” there’s info about a FREE online workshop to become a licensed Notary Public (a TERRIFIC advantage for getting a paralegal job) and FREE help with writing in all courses, offered by City Tech’s Writing Center.  Under “Articles,” there’s a bunch of new articles that might interest you, about which you might want to post for extra credit, and a link to sign up for free online access to The New York Times, so you can access those articles and lots of other interesting stuff!.

Enjoy the rest of the day, week, and weekend, I look forward to seeing you Tuesday!


Prof. C.

QUIZ is available! till 5pm

Good morning Students!

Remember, we will not meet for class today!  However, you will take LAW 1103 Quiz #1 today, during any one-hour period until 5pm. It’s now available to you on Blackboard, in “Content.”  If you have any questions or problems regarding it (or anything), it’s best to call me at 718.260.4939. (You can also email me, but I may not respond as quickly.)

Good luck, have a great day! Prof. C.

NO meeting Tues. Sept. 14!! & QUIZ!!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, WE WILL NOT MEET TOMORROW, Tues. Sept. 14!  Instead, you’ll take 1103 Civil Procedure Quiz #1 on Blackboard during any one-hour period between 10am-5pm.  (You’ll find it in “Content.”)  Also, everyone should have individual meetings with me in place of our regular class session–if you haven’t yet scheduled one, please email me with times you’re available so we can set it up.

THANK YOU for your terrific “Who I Am” posts!  I’ve graded and responded to each of them–if you don’t see my reply to yours, please let me know.  Also, I’ve recorded the grades (out of 3) in the “GradeBook” which you can access by clicking “Check your grades here!” in the bottom right corner of the “home” page.  If you posted a “Who I Am” and you don’t see a grade, let me know!  DON’T FORGET to “reply” to one of your fellow students’ posts!  That’s also a homework assignment, for which you’ll get 3 out of 3 points just for doing it!

I’ll be available all day tomorrow (Tues.) by phone and email for any questions.  Have a pleasant evening!

Prof. C.

Who am I?

My name is Laila Clarke. I joined the paralegal studies program because I really enjoy watching law shows. But, it wasn’t until I joined the mock trial club in high school did I really realize how much I enjoyed law. Most subjects are usually boring for me but learning about the law comes so easily. I would watch law and order and pick up on many things before the show revealed it. One goal I want to achieve is finishing college, there are many times I see myself unmotivated, and my mind wonders to think about what life would be like if I didn’t go through college, but I am determined to finish. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, I suppose one interesting fact about me is that I’m a car enthusiast.

Who Am I !

Hello, My name is Pedro Flores I decided to apply for the Paralegal program because law was something that I was interested in but I wasn’t too sure if that was something i wanted to do. Here I am today taking this course to educate myself and get a better understanding of the laws. I was born and raised in the Bronx. When I am not in school I am working at a seafood restaurant In Westchester County as a food runner. I hope this course gives me the tools i need to use in the future if i want to become a paralegal or in any area of law. : )

Who am I

My Name is Stephon Senecharles and the reason I choose Paralegal because eventually I just wanted to take the criminal Justice course in the upcoming semesters. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and my family is from Haiti. If I’m not at school or slaving at my Home Depot job. I really don’t know what I wanna do with my Paralegal Knowledge, I’m just going with the flow of this course because I know this is the only subject where I wont just sleep from boredom.

Who I am

Hi everyone, my name is Mirian Torres and the reason why I decided to apply to the Law and paralegal program is because I aspire to become a lawyer. I’m originally from Honduras, I arrived to the US about two years ago. Being a child who got to experience different scenarios where injustice was a constant in my life, got me to think it was because of the corrupt government, failed and obsolete system that is still used in my country, hence when I came to this country I did it with a lot of expectations, unfortunately upon entering the complex family and child wellness maze that is supposed to be in charge of protecting us I got to realize that even if the system is flawed there is always need for people trying to get the less fortunate a little bit of justice but it made see that there are also others who got into the law program just to manipulate and bent the laws in favor of those that cause harm. Being the latest the group of people I never want to be part of.

I expect this program can give me the tools I need to be part of a change in the system and I hope justice can always prevail and deliver hope to those that have known injustice for far too long.








Who I Am

Hello! I’m Adriana Sepúlveda and I am in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because I want to be a paralegal. My background is in the music business so my goal is to work at an entertainment law firm or in the legal department of a record label. I previously went to college in Boston where I graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Music Industry. I initially wanted to be an entertainment lawyer however, that changed throughout my college career and I decided to take the Public Relations route. After graduating, I moved to New York and started working in music PR. Eventually, I decided it wasn’t for me but being my only real experience, I was in and out of PR jobs, assistant positions, internships, and the restaurant industry. After many jobs, years, and industries later I decided to revisit my interest in law!

Jumping back into school after almost 7 years was something that definitely made me nervous but I’m excited about this new chapter. I can’t wait to start the process and learn about the paralegal world.

Aside from school, I’m currently a server at a few different restaurants. When I’m not working or watching Netflix, I have few hobbies including gardening, going to concerts, and crocheting. During the gardening season, I grow peppers (habaneros, jalapeños, banana peppers), tomatoes, and basil. With crocheting, I have made blankets, pet sweaters, scrunchies, and shorts. I live with my twin sister in Brooklyn and we have two cats — an orange tabby named Isosceles and a calico/tabby mix named Una. I grew up in Texas and as a few others mentioned, I am Puerto Rican. Since my parents spoke Spanish around the house I can understand a little bit but my goal is to eventually learn enough to at least understand it completely. I am also trying to amp up my reading with my 2021 goal being to read 10 books, stay tuned.

Excited for the semester ahead!


Here are the kiddos!