Time Keeping

What I did Tuesday, November 3rd, 3pm-7pm:

Went to the DMV- 1.25

Took the train from the DMV to the Bank- 0.25

Walked to the Post Office to drop mail in the mailbox- 0.25

Walked home to get clothes to do laundry- 0.25

Washed my clothes- 1.25

Talked to my sister Rosie & Mom on the phone- 0.50

Started to prepare something to eat & watch Hulu- 0.25

Total: 4.0

I went to the DMV but nothing came of it I have to return and make a payment to get my license back, and I spoke to my sister Rosie who lives in Albany I haven’t spoken to her in so long. Overall I need more practice.

Where do you want to work?! Law office post!

Law 1101

Oct 5, 2021


I chose New York County Defender Services because I believe the services offered are more genuine, meaning that even if a potential client can’t afford representation a lawyer will still be awarded. For example, these are some of the services offered free immigration assistance, information on how to locate a loved one who was recently arrested, and information on almost any legal issue someone may be facing which can be found in the “community service” tab on their website. I also checked the job postings and at the moment they’re not hiring but on their website in the “what we do” tab it states that they do employ Paralegals. In conclusion, I believe this is a legal services organization based on their services.

New York County Defender Services

100 William Street, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10038


My source

Is a show called “Better Call Saul” it’s a Netflix show that I’ve been watching for the past two weeks, I’m on the second season. The show is based on a lawyer that constantly breaks the law in order to benefit himself and in order to attain and win cases. It’s so funny and full of drama I think it’s a good source because the main character is a lawyer.

Who I Am!


I am a God fearing man fleeing from harm begging for the protection of my life 


I was once labeled “a ward of the state”, now I’m a family man even though as a child I was deprived of it. Im in search of an identity & financial stability because I’m a job loss away from becoming homeless, I’m “working poor” is how I’ll best define it. Overall being the first out of the 3 generations of my family tree to graduate from college is my greatest achievement. I hope to able to finish my bachelor’s & find a way to be able to afford law school in order to become a Public Defendant. Well I’m afraid I said to much but here’s a little more about myself, I’m a person that’s “off the grid” meaning I have no social media accounts. Im a person that doesn’t like to waste electricity or water so I try to be mindful and avoid the overuse of it.

I feel that college has help me a great deal by allowing me to be apart of something by sort of giving me an identity & a platform in order to speak, listen & read. Well more into my backstory, Im Puerto Rican but only on paper. I also like to read, so far this summer I read 4 books: non-fiction & I like to watch Netflix, Youtube, HBO Max & I don’t like watching TV. I was born & raised in Manhattan’s Upper East Side & briefly Lower East Side as well, I now live in Brooklyn. I first want to be a Lawyers Assistant Lord willing I graduate so I can learn first hand and build the confidence needed in order to do my best at the position then ultimately be able to pass the bar exam. Wish me luck!



Quote: I am who ever you say I am – EMINEM