Who I Am

My name is Joshua Cummings. I’m in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because my whole life people have told me that I should be a lawyer. But I always knew that 7+ more years of school after high school wasn’t something I really wanted to do so I thought why not be an assistant. I don’t really have any goals but I’m now interested in becoming a process server for a little bit.

I’ve lived in Brooklyn my whole life. I was raised by my mom and some of my earliest memories are of her bringing me into her college classes and since then I really looked forward to the college experience. To be honest there’s nothing much to say which is why this post is so short.

2 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Thanks Joshua! Your post is not too short, it gives us a good introduction to you, which is all we need! That must have been fun attending your Mom’s college classes. I’m glad it inspired you to come to City Tech! Cheers, Prof. C.

  2. I absolutely understand how you feel with years of generations telling you what you must do in your life. Just always make sure that what you’re doing makes you happy. Live for your happiness and nobody else!

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