COMD3504 - Section HD61 - Spring 2022

Category: Response (Page 5 of 15)

Students should categorize submissions to weekly assignments as Responses

Assignment 8 – Jennifer Humala

I saw this on the train for a wedding planning website called Zola.
This is a campaign film for Burberry called ‘Open Spaces’. The film explores the definition of freedom and by defying gravity being to capture new perspectives.
I have seen this commercial on tv and when watching videos online. It states ‘I’MPOSSIBLE’ as I’m possible, but there is also the reference of “Impossible is nothing”.


In Hall’s essay media are defined “as important sites for the production, reproduction and transformation of ideologies”. As they are representation of the social world, I chose three brands that are slowing introducing a transformation of ideologies.

Maybelline, L’oreal and Il Makiage (as I am aware) are slowly adapting to the new society’s standards promoting inclusiveness in Ā a longlastingĀ history of differentiating products according to gender. They are normalizing the idea of the use of concealer and makeup in general not only for women, but for any gender, race and skin tone. I think Snoop Dogg was hired by Dunkin’ after his IG ad for Beyond Meat and his own beyond meat hot dog launch. In any case, the iconic Snoop Dogg is changing the heavy meat based soul food tradition (even though falls again in the stereotype of junk food makers targeting African American customers), introducing black veganism. This is an example of inclusiveness (a pushed one) after facing the imagery and name stereotyping accusation by Ben’s Original, where multiculturality is promoted (and the ASL community is targeted). This is negative example, since I was born and earlier Mulino Bianco (barilla) keeps putting an happy family sitting altogether for breakfast in their ads and there is no multiculturality or any adaptation to the new societychanges. I am quite sure that the tradition of sitting altogether at the table in the early morning (everyday) is almost faded in Italy and also that there have been so many intercultural marriages that this ad doesn’t represent anymore the country where it is showed.

Assignment 8

Groupon Ad

This first ad from Groupon shows a male relaxing which I think was intented by them.

Chase Ad

The idea of showing a same sex couple watching a movie together in an ad was a deliberate choice made by Chase.

TD Bank Ad

This third ad from TD Bank shows a father with his children and I think it was intentional.

Week 8

History of American Indians in Beer Advertising.

  1. An appeal to history and a symbol of purity are seen as a guarantee of quality

 2. The second paradox is that KAB(Keep American Beautiful) is made up of leading beverage and packaging companies.

Keep America Beautiful – (Crying-Indian) – 70s Commercial

Kristine Danielsen commented that she never forgot the ad, respecting nature from a very young age and passing it on to her children and grandchildren.

Ads 3,4)Ā  Ā  Ā About “Equality in conditions”(

Diapers are now the test, not the dads . Huggies uses the example of ā€œfunny fathersā€ā€”that is a campaign to incompetent male parents who seem to have no idea how to change a diaper or care for an infant in advertisingā€”as an example of these traditional roles. A funny father is often contrasted with a loving, capable mother. Final ad is about Bonds: Motorcycle. An ad on TV (n.d

Bonds: Motorcycle. Best Ads on TV. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2022, from

Luis Quijano – (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2022, from

Watts, A. (2012, March 15). Huggies listened to dads – why it matters. The Good Men Project. Retrieved March 30, 2022, from


Assignment 8

Image 1: The first ever Playboy magazine cover print, 1953


Image 2: Bretman Rock is the first openly gay male star to grace the cover of Playboy, appearing on the October 2021 digital cover.


Image 3 & 4: A Netflix series called ā€˜Bridgertonā€™ . Season 1&2. Source:

Images 5 & 6: Hot Topicā€™s past website homepage


Assignment 8 – Mike Zaporozhtsev

I found an interesting ad for Toyota Camry 2017. They created different ads for the same car for different races: Black, Asian, White, and Hispanic.

There’s also the fourth version, “Thrill”, which may be designed to appeal first and foremost to white people.

Ad for Campbell can food.

Assignment 7 – Patrick Rogers

When I think of how media extends humanity, the thing that springs to my mind is social media.  And social media springs to my mind quickly and forcefully when I think of answering this question, because social media has connected, and therefore amplified and extended humanity pretty drastically.  It is mind boggling to me that people in letā€™s say Tokyo can see what people in New York City post to their social media channels, and therefore sort of have surveillance on what those people are doing, from halfway across the world.  Itā€™s easy to understand based on that example alone how ideas are so very rapidly spreading across the world now thanks to social media.  

And then when it comes to the hazards of technological progress on individuals and society, social media is also the first thing I think of.  And within that topic, the first thing I think of is online bullying.  Youth are the main victims of this phenomenon, and itā€™s such a problem because it affects young peopleā€™s self esteem, and therefore ability to contribute to society.

I donā€™t think the work of a designer is subordinate to the media they use to create, because I think the content of the work is what people really respond to.  For example, I donā€™t think people really focus on the fact that the Mona Lisa is a painting.  I think they focus on the mysteriousness of her expression and the mythology surrounding the artwork.  However, I do think some ideas work better in some forms of media more so than others.

Patrick Rogers – Assignment 6

I think form follows function is really powerful, and itā€™s interesting to me that Tschichold rejected anything outside of form follows function as ineffective.  A part of me loves that, but a bigger part of me loves highly decorative, less functional typography and design in general.  Tschichold seems to champion sober, highly functional, rather plain typography, but I must admit I love the other side of the coin.  Why canā€™t typography and other types of design be decorative and frivolous, with pleasure being the sort of ā€˜functionā€™ of the design?

I find Gerstnerā€™s programme for designing to be mathematical, clinical, and devoid of emotion.  I suppose it is one way of designing, and most definitely a unique one and probably a powerful and effective one I will admit.  However, for me, it defeats the purpose of design.  I try to design with emotion, and I express my personal point of view in my designs.  For me it is so much more enjoyable that way.

Muller-Brockmannā€™s design ethos is again, for me, far too mathematical, objective, and cold.  There is one element of his design ethos that I agree with, that is the technique of systemizing processes.  Systemizing is something I do in my design work and life in general, because I find it makes every process easier, since once I design the system, all I have to do is execute that system over and over again to get to my desired outcome.

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