COMD3504 - Section HD61 - Spring 2022

Category: Response (Page 4 of 15)

Students should categorize submissions to weekly assignments as Responses


Important words which meanings were not totally clear to me are:






Unclear passages:

Pag 9 (of the pdf)

Film can no longer be seen as animated photographs: the having-been-there gives way before a being-there of the thing; which omission would explain how there can be a history of the cinema, without any real break with the previous arts of fiction, whereas the photograph can in some sense elude history (despite the evolution of the techniques and ambitions of the photographic art) and represent a “flat” anthropological fact, at once absolutely new and definitively unsurpassable, humanity encountering for the first time in its hisĀ­tory messages without a code. Hence the photograph is not the last (improved) term of the great family of images; it corresponds to a decisive mutation of informational economies.


Thus the rhetoĀ­ric of the image (that is to say, the classification of its connotators) is specific to the extent that it is subject to the physical constraints of vision (different, for example, from phonatory constraints) but general to the extent that the “figures” are never more than formal relations of elements.

(I am sorry for the late submission. I wanted to summarize my notes but I don’t think I will have to time to do it, so I am sending the handwritten notes. I am sorry for the low quality pictures and the bad calligraphy. )

Assignment 9 – Jennifer Humala


  • etymology
  • quasi-tautological
  • anchorage
  • polysemous
  • syntagm


-analyzed photograph offers three forms of messages
the linguistic message, coded iconic message, non-coded
iconic message [
-the literal message supports the symbolic message of
the image
-In the linguistic message, an image has a linkage between
the text and the image. Historically, images within books
contained text that was used to decipher or enhance a
message. Even now, mass communication uses text along
with images to give context, it is intentional.
-Literal message from images = what is it?
-texts direct the viewer toward a specified meaning,
their eye will follow based on the text, so viewers will
not receive the whole messages
-Denoted message= photograph present still life, real life
A drawing replicates a scene but every painter/drawer has
their own style, and can depict the same object and many
different ways.

Assignment 9- Theresa Rodriguez

When taking a look at the reading, there has been several terms of words that I haven’t fully understand, however, I was able to look them up and try to paraphrase it to better understand the meaning behind it. Other then that, the reading wasn’t too much of a burden to deal with.

Assignment 9 (Winnie)

Key Words

  • imitari
  • image
  • seismology
  • code
  • denotation
  • denotational
  • cannotational
  • signifier
  • composition
  • alimentary
  • coextensive
  • linguistic
  • dispatching
  • puedo-truth
  • ideolect


  1. I wasn’t too clear on what the author was trying to say with the word “italianicity”?
  2. “We can now understand that it is precisely the syntagm of the denoted message which “naturalizes” the system of the cannoted message”. In this i wasn’t sure if he viewed this aspect as a positive or negative.

Week 9 response

In Roland Barthes’ ā€œRhetoric of the Imageā€ essay, he explains how images hold and convey meaning through three messages, linguistic message, non-iconic decoded message and coded iconic message. Signs, signifiers, and signified are used within images as a written language to help communicate the message. Barthes simplified the science of advertising, breaking down the three messages. We understand this information because of our cultural awareness, social and personal experiences. Looking at the image a product or service advertisement content is used to explain the message.

Mike Zaporozhtsev – Assignment 9

Words I donā€™t know: 

  • semiology
  • agglutinations
  • ineffable
  • ontology
  • en abyme
  • assonance
  • insofar
  • arbitrary
  • quasi-tautological
  • anchorage
  • polysemous

Did not quite understand: 

  1. We know that linguists refuse the status of language to all communication” by analogy-from the “language” of bees to the “language” of gesture – the moment such communications are not doubly articulated, are not founded on a combinatory system of digital units as phonemes are.
  2. This last information, however, is co-extensive with the scene; it eludes signification insofar as the advertising nature of the image is essentially functional: to utter something is not necessarily to declare t am speaking, except in a deliberately reflexive system such as literature.
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