From what I have gathered from the three readings is that people or designers should be able to design in a way that they can express themselves. That they shouldn’t just restrict or hold themselves to the rules that have been set for design or the old typography that’s overly used. The main idea is that designers should be able to be more flexible with their work and create a variety of designs. The designers in these readings, however, state that there are still some solutions that should be followed in order for the design to be understood. The aim of old typography held a sense of beauty and clarity but Tschichold points out that new typography also had a sense of clarity. Tschichold wanted to break away from the symmetry that old typography held and thus new typography was predominantly asymmetrical. It was stated that an advantage of asymmetry was that its appearance is way more optically effective than symmetry. When used correctly new typography can have order and clarity. Designers can be more flexible when it comes to design and still communicate with the public.

Gerstner was a designer who combined art with science and came up with a variety of design solutions. The process of designing is in Gerstner’s eyes trying to come up with a solution to a problem. Gerstner comes up with “the morphological box of the typogram” which contains a variety of design solutions. This “box” of solutions, is meant to help with design problems and what can be combined with one another or what doesn’t work. Gerstner also used grids as it was a solution to be flexible and creative with design. Gerster really used many scientific ways to create solutions for designers so that their work could have order and clarity. Muller-Brockmann also popularized the use of grids as a way to help create space, order, and clarity when it comes to designing. In the reading, it stated, “the designer’s work should have the clearly intelligible, objective, functional, and aesthetic quality of mathematical thinking.” When it comes to design it should really be able to communicate its message clearly and it makes that design successful if it can do that.