When going through the reading, it’s interesting to learn about how inspirations from designs are always being brought out differently. Of course it’s one thing to be inspired about art, however, I wouldn’t really think about how common it is to actually take someone else’s work and put it as your own. I always wonder if using a method like that is actually a good thing? Especially when you look at regular/not well known designers having there work being used without permission, I believe it’s actually pretty scary. It’s almost as if you can never do anything with your art because people would always try to work there way around your work.

As a person like myself who always follows a lot of artist on social media, I have come to witness on those several occasions where I see a work from an artist that I like that has there work stolen such as being traced over, using it to sell merchandise, etc. To me, it’s pretty sad the way these folks are treating artist. Us artist deserves to be recognize as real workers too. It’s such a weird thing to see how dedicated these folks are to going the extra step in wanting to devalue their work. Especially when it comes down to not creating anything original anymore.

To take inspiration from an artist is always a good thing. Being able to become inspired by there work is pretty much the type of drug an artist needs in order to let their creative mode start flowing. When we post art on social media, we have to factor in so much. We also have to understand that situations like this is too common which is pretty disappointing. With so many different kinds of art out there, I’m still certain that we have original arts.