All the readings talk about the creation of universal design standards, which focus on the management of spaces and the clarity with which the message is visually transmitted. Müller-Brockmann with his text “Grid and Design Philosophy” focused on the idea of dividing, organizing, and arranging different elements of the design composition and the space using a grid system. He said that “This is the expression of a professional ethos: the designer’s work should have the clearly intelligible, objective, functional, and aesthetic quality of mathematical thinking”. And I think that this is the main goal of every designer, create something that everyone receives and clearly understands the message. Also, I want to focus my career path on designing websites and mobile applications so using the grid is very important to understand how to manage the space and arrange different elements (like text, pictures, icons, etc.) that go on the website or app.

Jan Tschichold’s text “The New Typography” and Karl Gerstner’s text “Designing Programmes” focus on typography and space. Gerstner wrote “The creative process is to be reduced to an act of selection. Designing means: to pick out determining elements and combine them.” And in one way, we combine images, fonts, colors, shapes, etc., in such a way that it has an aesthetic or visually attractive form both for us and for the public. And each element also has its own change selection, like his example of selecting a font (font-family, serif, sanserif, size, italic, oblique, thickness, color, flush left, flush right, justify, opacity, cursive, kerning, etc.). On the other hand, Tschichold talks about the clarity and the legibility of old and new fonts. He said that the new fonts are less ornamented compared with the old ones, so are clearer to read. He said that “The function of printed text is communication, emphasis (word value), and the logical sequence of the contents.” In other words, he focused on the hierarchy and the type of management of the words and lines, so the main information stands up from the other. These three readings are very important today because we massively consume visual images thanks to the internet and other mass media in such a short time that clarity and visual impact is very important to caught people’s attention.