COMD3504 - Section HD61 - Spring 2022

Month: February 2022 (Page 2 of 6)

Assignment #3

The authors within each reading had various envisionments of their futures. Within ‘The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism’, he speaks on the progression of arts. How ridding of old methods and getting along with the new ways and forms of art. “Indeed daily visits to museums, libraries and academies (those cemeteries of wasted effort, calvaries of crucified dreams, registers of false starts!) is for artists what prolonged supervision by the parents is for intelligent young men, drunk with their own talent and ambition.” He strongly adjusted his portrayal of facilities and structures, and progress within the current and future methods. 

“Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group” is written quite poetic and concludes within its last lines “Everything came to a point. and “new” constructivists jumped on the bandwagon, wrote “constructive” poems, novels, paintings, and other such junk. Others, taken with our slogans, imagining themselves to be geniuses, designed elevators and radio posters, but they have forgotten that all attention should be concentrated on the experimental laboratories, which show us New elements routes things Experiments.” 

As it forecasts the perspective of having whats available to us and what is to be focused on it whats to become of it and progress with the new. As the saying “out with the old and in with the new”. 

“Notwithstanding the crises that book production is suffering, in common with other areas of production, the book glacier is growing year by year. The book is becoming the most monumental work of art: no longer is it something caressed only by the delicate hands of a few bibliophiles; on the contrary, it is already being grasped by hundreds of thousands of poor people. This also explains the dominance, in our transition period, of the illustrated weekly magazine” within the conclusion of El Lissitzky, Our Book, gives a glimpse of how the creation of books, from letter presses and progression, to now having such the simplicity of that art to see diminishing amongst time and the whereabouts and reality of where they are sourced to now. 

Assignment 3 – Theresa R.

According to the authors, the sort of possibilities that they each envision for their immediate futures is being able to see a complete change of rules compared to how they are currently living. For instance, during the time period that they are living in (early 20th century), the avant garde artists were always know for creating works of art from rules and regulations. Always doing to expected requirements when it comes to art. For these authors, when it comes to visualizing the future, the possibilities are there. It makes them idolize what the future would be like. Wanting to be able to have a complete set of changes from what they normally do would make them feel even more better about themselves. In terms of visualizing the roles that technology would play in shaping the future, the authors hope that technology can help benefit them even more that would make their work memorable.

The elements from the text that would most likely be relevant for the present is the ideas that the artist have, the futurist, the constructivists and technology itself. The reason why I believe these four would be the most relevant in present day is because in a way, we still live with rules that are completely different then the 20th century. Rules that the authors would love and wish they had during there time period. As we have many different kinds people with their own views, when it comes to futurist and constructivists, we have people who falls into either one of them. With technology being more advanced, we’re able to do so much with them especially as an artist where we’re able to learn more about art, finding artist, etc.

With that being said, based on the readings, the elements that are the most problematic are both futurist and constructivists. The reason why these two elements are chosen is because they are polar opposites to each other where both of them can be dangerous too. For instance, those who are in the belief of futurist are the ones who aren’t society and are in favor of creating a new image to their liking. Those who are in the belief of constructivist are the ones who are for the people and society in general. The reason why these two are the most problematic is because there isn’t any balance for both sides of the team. What would it be like to become a futurist where you remove yourself completely from society and create a new world? A world that benefits to your own likings? Wouldn’t that make you an individual God? It’s almost like as if you’re in a completely different dimension where you have the ability to change just about everything. Having too much power to that extent can be dangerous especially when it’s given to the wrong people. What about a constructivist? Being part of society where you can help contribute to it. Perhaps to the point where nothing you say matters anymore? Being able to create something different without society’s approval? Perhaps who want to make a difference and want creative freedom where you can express yourself and reach out to people? Well too bad because you have to ask society for permission first. In a way, constructivist is big brother in disguise. Regardless of which side you’re on, there is always going to be something ugly about it despite it having its own good intentions.

Assignment 3 – Mike Zaporozhtsev

I read “Who we are: Manifesto of the constructivist group”. Basically, this document was the first one where the ideas of constructivism were briefly formed (a deeper explanation of the constructivism theory was given two years later in a book by Alexei Gan called “Constructivism”). In his work, Gan proposes a complete break with the art of the past, which had bygone historical eras (primitive culture, handcraft, and capitalism) to come to a culture of labor and intelligence – the era of high technology. 

This idea mirrors with rows of the manifesto: ”previously—Engineers relaxed with art now—Artists relax with technology”. 

In general, constructivists positioned themselves as dreamers, artists, and engineers of the future. They were a beginning of a new era, it is they who created elevators, aeroradiostations, boots, a catalog. They are everyone – and yet, they are no one. I think, by these words they meant that every person can join a constructivist community. Constructivists are kind of scattered among the people. Constructivists thought that people before they were creating some junk–poetry, paintings, novels, or imagined themselves as geniuses while creating elevators or radio posters. However, Constructivists wanted to be concentrated on new elements, routs, things, they should experiment. So, I think, their focus was on functionality, rationality rather than beauty and esthetics.

Assignment 3

  The authors in the readings seemed to envision their future in different formats however they all were creatively driven which led to the difference they made in graphic design. The future for technology was always being made with the help of engineering work which the authors had a background experience in which basically helped with their involvement in art. They imagined the future of art would lead to printing from movable type, photographic art etc. Art previously had a system of inventions that at the time are deemed special and important, however as time goes on it is seen as an exhausting theme and then future improvements are made. With technical improvement, high achievements in the art field are made. 

  The reading “Who we are”, states, “We didn’t create technology. We didn’t create man. but we, Artists yesterday constructors today, 1. we processed the human being 2. we organize technology 1. we discovered”  Here it helped me realize how authors think technically with inventions and ideas. They have ideas that ordinary people don’t just get, they see things and think of what would make it better, they think then create. 

In “The Futurist Manifesto” it was interesting to read about how museums and the stories that come with them. In the reading, it states,” What can you find in an old picture except for the painful contortions of the artist trying to break uncrossable barriers which obstruct the full expression of his dream?” People just crows around a piece some may be uninterested and may express it on their face also some may be the opposite. That’s the beauty in art in everyone’s eyes it is visually represented in many different ways. The admiration for art is within everyone and is expressed in many ways.

Assignment 2 – Patrick Rogers

Immutability and mutability of the sign was something I found really interesting about the Saussure reading.  Immutability of course means no one specific person, nor the society at large, can at will change the language.  Although I must add, wouldn’t it be so cool if we could?  We could as a society vote on changes we want to make to the English language.  Now that would probably get ugly fast, but how much fun it would be!  Mutability refers to how the language changes over time due to changes in the culture at large.  For example, I believe the Oxford dictionary gets a few words added to it every year, based on new trends in the language as a result of changes in the culture.  It’s also crazy to think about how different the English language was just 200 years ago.  In the grand scheme of things, 200 years is not that much time.  So it’s awesome to think about how much language will surely change over the next 200 years.

The fact that Japan still uses abacuses, which I learned in the Lupton/Miller reading, is crazy to me.  I think that is such a wonderful juxtaposition of the ancient with the modern, because they are paired with electronic calculators.  I also think it’s fascinating that some numeric systems from certain tribal cultures are based on our hands and feet.

Why are some cultures so much more advanced than others?  This is a question I kept thinking about throughout the Lupton/Miller reading.  And why are some economies so depressed while others are buoyant?

Assignment #3

Reading all three articles has developed questions and concerns through my mind. In the first article, The Futurist Manifesto mentioned, “As I raised my body, mud-spattered and smelly, I felt the red hot poker of joy deliciously pierce my heart. A crowd of fishermen and gouty naturalists crowded terrified around this marvel. With patient and tentative care they raised high enormous grappling irons to fish up my car, like a vast shark that had run aground. It rose slowly leaving in the ditch, like scales, its heavy coachwork of good sense and its upholstery of comfort.” The area that the author lives during that time period, the area has become more urban, filling up the place with factories.

Also, the authors use metaphors, personification, and similes as if they were writing a poem and I felt I was reading one. I had to read between the lines in order to understand what they were saying. The first article reminded me of gentrification because there were lines where the author mentioned where people who live in the area weren’t pleased with the new technology that’s been developing. For example, ” Then with my face covered in good factory mud, covered with metal scratches, useless sweat, and celestial grime, amidst the complaint of staid fishermen and angry naturalists, we dictated our first will and testament to all the living men on earth.” A community wasn’t satisfied with urban areas taking over landscapes. This will have a huge impact on having animals go extinct, making rent go high, and people will migrate to another area.

The second article Who We Are was an interesting “poem.” “We didn’t create technology. We didn’t create man. But we, Artists yesterday, Constructors today…” The author mentioned past days are when we were creative but today we analyze every single detail of today’s technology. Artists were not intimated in technology because it wasn’t a huge thing till now, till you find out that you can do so much with high-tech. Now, we have to be part of the community that uses technology to keep going forward for the future.

Assignment 3 Calvin Garcia

The manifesto is a beautiful thing of the past, what was once a declaration of the deepest, and rawest ideals and emotions of a person or body of people has now been replaced by the mission statement on the about us page. Equal parts biography and threat, the manifesto was a powerful tool for people to get their point across. While The Constructivist Manifesto, and Our Book are a far cry from the bombast of the Futurist Manifesto they both share common themes. 

While going through these readings some common themes stuck out to me. First, and probably most important among them was the desire by all authors to look to the possibilities of the future. All three authors having seen the romanticization of things as they are, have grown tired with doing things as they are expected to be done. Instead all authors are looking to rewrite the rules and rise to new challenges of their times, refusing to be stuck in the glory of previous creators. Secondly they all look to use new technology not to duplicate past victories of their forefathers at an accelerated pace, but to create totally new work that would leave their mark on humanity. 

The Futurists while not directly referential to specific technologies were more about a forward thinking ideology. It seems to me that their passion was less about how they were going to express a new vision, and simply that they were, regardless of what tools were available to them.  The Constructivists on the other hand were excited about all the possibilities new technology brought them. For the Constructivists their passion lied in meeting the demands of the day the best way they could. They believed that the machine was the key to creating useful works by stripping away the romance of the artist and giving unique form and function to new ideas of the day. The Constructivists, acknowledging that it is not the needs of the artists or creators but the needs of the public that dictate the direction of their work. Within this ideology is the concept of dematerialization. 

Dematerialization, is the opposite of materialism. It is a reaction of the public’s desires and the needs of the market to deliver goods in a more efficient manner that leads to the evolution of mediums. This paired with innovations in technology bring us the metamorphosis. I find the concept of dematerialization being conceived in the early 1900s to be extremely interesting. Dematierialization is  arguably at its apex right now. We stream movies and music, we have kindles and even video game makers are selling their consoles ( the box which you play the games on) without disc drives. This weekend I saw a Reddit post about a guy who purchased a $200 special edition boxset of a video game. The boxset contained a figure and a steel-book case for the game, but the case for the game didn’t actually have the game within it. Instead there was just a code which could be redeemed on the Playstation network to download the game. I imagine the Constructivists would be thrilled with this progress, but I am curious as to how they would perceive our current machine lead lives. Would they be intrigued and overjoyed about how algorithms rule our lives? Furthermore, I imagine the Futurists for all their gusto and fervor for tearing down institutions would be furious at the idea that anyone let alone an algorithm would dictate to them what they would need to do to spread their message. 

While the Futurists and Constructivists have a lot in common where I believe they part ways is the aims of their messaging. The Futurists are egotistical, their aim is not to contribute to society but rather to tear it down and remake it in their image. For The Constructivists it’s all in the name. Their desire to is be useful, removing their egos and desires from the work and instead wanting to push the boundaries for the benefit of the public. It’s not about what the constructivists need, it’s about what society needs. 

While I disagree with the anarchist, and anti-female sentiments of The Futurists I can’t help but feel like there’s something to what they’re saying. In our current society I feel like there’s an over-reliance on nostalgia. 20 years from now what “vibe” will generation alpha be trying to evoke? A 2022 vibe is nothing more than remixed 2002 vibe. so will 2042 vibe be a remix of the remix? How long can we go sampling the works of others before we have to create something of our own that exists for the present? Is that even possible now? 

I feel a bit of unease with the worshiping of the machine that The Constructivists do. It echos that uncomfortable corporate speak so many modern corporations love. Getting us to separate our emotions from our work in the name of progress is fine when the machine is incapable of controlling us without us realizing it.Couple algorithmic manipulation with corporate jargon and how long before something like Metamates doesn’t sound ridiculous to the average person. Life is for more than being useful.  

Assignment#2-Rifatara Yasmeen

A language is a system of communication that contains a set of sounds and written symbols that people in a specific country or region use to communicate while speaking or writing. Language is the way of communication between two people, allowing them to exchange their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Various languages are used by people who live in different places or belong to different communities as a form of communication. Language plays a huge role in design. As writers interact with their readers through words, designers connect with their audiences through visual language.  According to Saussure’s essays, language is the most complicated and universal system of all expressions. He states, the signifier and signified are purely psychological. The signifier is the object, word, image or action. The signified is the concept behind the object that is being represented. People are always trying to make sense of their surroundings, either consciously and subconsciously. Gestures, signs, objects and words are examples of symbols that allow individuals to interpret the world.

Assignment 2

Amongst the two readings, Language is something that forms a way of communication between individuals to come to some form and way to have understanding. Language can be produced, translated, mimicked in many forms such as gestures, speech, symbols etc. The distinction amongst languages and what’s considered proper would be more of a universal/common form of understanding, as per example roman numbers on a clock, tally marks, the basic use of numbers, etc. Another very universal language example is the symbol of a lady silhouette and man silhouette outside of restrooms to signal what gender facilities it is for. Symbols are related to language because its forms a visually communication for people to understand. Language plays a big role in design because it translates things within many ways and forms a ways to communicate amongst and across a large audience.

Assignment 3 for February 23

Our third reading assignment includes three short manifestos written by avant-garde artists in the early decades of the 20th century. They are as follows:

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism (1909):

Aleksandr Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Aleksei Gan, Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group (c. 1922): 

El Lissitzky, Our Book (1926): 

Here are some questions to consider as you read:
What sort of possibilities did these authors envision for their immediate futures? What role did they imagine technology would play in shaping those futures? In what ways did these artists anticipate the art and design that would follow? What common views do these authors share? Where might they disagree? Which elements of these texts are relevant for the present? Which elements are problematic?  

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