Review and help for design apps
We should all be familiar with these processes but often forget. If you need help, please ask me.
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Adding fonts: activating + deactivating, removing fonts Font collections (organizing fonts for specific projects)
Preview custom mode to test specific words in multiple fonts
Resolution (screen resolution vs. printing resolution)
Image mode: RGB, CMYK, Gray scale, Duotone Layers palette:
Adjustment layer: Levels or Curves • Masks,
Blending mode
Magic Wand, Crop, Clone Stamp tool
Saving images: PSD, TIFF, JPEG (how to keep transparency)
Character + Paragraph palette
Selecting and setting type
Tracking, kerning, leading
Paragraph alignment; left align, center, right
Create outlines (explain benefit when printing)
Pathfinder: modifying + combining simple shapes
Pen tool: drawing free-form shapes, adding subtracting points Color, Swatches, Stroke, Effects palette
stroke/fill: cmyk vs. rgb color • stroke width
blending modes
Align palette
Layers + Pages palette
Adding + subtracting, facing versus non-facing pages Importing/placing images from Photoshop
File linking versus embedding
Selection, Scale, Rotate, Free Transform tools Guides, document grid (snap to)
Page tiling, printing
Cheat Sheets