Homework: due 3/1

Topic: Composition

Goals: Grids, proportion, and hierarchy

Objectives: Control composition

Focus: figure/ground and asymmetry


1 alignment

2  research
due on Monday 3/6


1 Alignment

Align dummy type to the grid

Create 3 different compositions

Use multiple alignments


1  Use a grid, 5-columns, 5 rows

2  Add dummy type to emphasize the grid
The viewer should have a sense of the grid, even when it is not showing

3  Create hierarchy by using weights and size of type                       
•  use at least 3 levels of hierarchy •  where do you place hierarchy to emphasize the grid?










Use alignment

Make sure your text is not centered check that you do not have the same space above and below

Mass your white space make sure you have a large group of white space




2 research

due on Thursday 3/8

Who are your influences?

You might start here:

Revise your choices of influencer

Who are your influences?

• Revise your influencer based on today’s discussion
• Choose 3 design influencers that interest you

• Look to designers that have created varied solutions and systems––that work with typography.
• Avoid designers that focus on one thing, like only book covers, illustration or photography.

      1. Create a separate page for each influencer
      2. Add basic information about your designer
            • name
            • dates
            • location
            • medium
            • quote

4  Choose 3-4 images of your designers work

5. Upload to Miro to discuss on Monday, 3/6


          1. http://designatlas.info/
          2. https://www.peoplesgdarchive.org/
          3. https://archives.design/
          4. https://www.politicalgraphics.org/
          5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KiW2ULDFeIm_OuvwhM2lygxwhoNddrEFk5tYI9zbldw/edit
          6. https://www.rit.edu/carycollection/graphic-design-archive
          7. https://designarchives.aiga.org/


1 thought on “Homework: due 3/1

  1. Pingback: agenda: alignment, week 6; 2/27, 3/1 | COMD1200_S2023_D052_childers

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