Homework: due 3/20

Topic: Proportion

Goals: Explore composition using proportion

Objectives:  Create a dynamic composition using proportion



    1. Watch
    2. Proportion
    3. Recreate your designers typography


1 Watch

Watch the first 6 minutes. Mandatory: Take notes to share with the class.



2. Proportion

Create 2 compositions using proportion

Limit your text:

          1. designer’s name
          2. year of birth
          3. location (country, city?)
          4. medium (graphic design, maps, books, branding?)
          5. approximately 10 word quote
            approximately 10 word description


Work in this order:

          1. choose a focal point based on proportion
            Position your top hierarchal element in that area to emphasizes proportion
            • see example below
          2. group text into several units
            Position the units to align with the main element and with each other
          3. use only 3 levels of hierarchy
            Exaggerate hierarchy
          4. Print and bring to class


In each composition

Vary proportion

B Vary hierarchy


*****Copy the bulleted points between between the 2 blue dotted lines below

Print the criteria

Compare each point below to your compositions

Revise your compositions so that you have fulfilled all the criteria

With pen or pencil, place a check for each bullet point that you have completed



        • Make your proportion system clear
        • Make sure nothing, text or white space, is centered
          check that you do not have the same space above and below
        • Asymmetrical compositions
        • Make the grid structure obvious with the position of your elements
        • To define the grid, the edges of the type column, not the text box, must touch the grid line
        • Mass your white space
          make sure you have a large group of white space
        • Keep your white space towards the top or the left side of the page
        • Your poster must be purely typographic:
          No colors, shapes, and lines
        • Asymmetrical composition
          Align text to the grid, not the edge of the page
          5 column grid, no margins
        • A viewer should be able to easily understand your text
        • Black and white — no color



proportion: golden ratio vs rule of thirds







below: placement for emphasis exam








class demonstration on Miro

mendez demo


2. Typographic reference

Investigate your designer’s typeface

    1. Look at your designer’s work
      What typeface do they use most often?
    2. Choose one example of the work that includes that typeface.
    3. Take a photo or screenshot of it.
    4. Use one of the resources below to investigate the name of the typeface
      Choose a few if you are not sure
    5. Take a screenshot of the typeface and its name
    6. In one frame in Miro:
      Post your example of your designer’s typeface
      Post your screenshots of the typefaces that match



choose a typeface: http://www.identifont.com/

what typeface is this?




multiple sites:https://dezmi.com/design-resources/font-finder/



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