Homework; due 3/13

Topic: Composition

Goals: Grids, proportion, and hierarchy

Objectives: Control composition

Focus: alignment, asymmetry, hierarchy


Create three composition with text from your influencer

1  Use a grid 5-columns, 5 rows we should have a sense of the grid, even when it is not showing

2 Add text Use text based on one influencer

3 Use 4-5 units of text

possible units: name medium (graphic design, typography, environmental graphics . . .) a 5-10 word quote location (where they work) a brief paragraph favorite typeface

3  Create alignments
create connections between the different chunks of text

4  Apply hierarchy
•  use at least 3 levels of hierarchy
•  where do you place hierarchy to emphasize the grid?

5 Evaluate your layout
•. Is your alignment off-center?
•. Do the different elements relate to each other?

6 Create 3 different compositions
base all compositions on the same information

7 Create jpgs of each page
   Add your three compositions to a frame to the right of the purple rectangle in Miro


Examples of Proportion and Type Layout:



















1 thought on “Homework; due 3/13

  1. Pingback: agenda: alignment; week 7: 3/6, 3/9 | COMD1200_S2023_D052_childers

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