Topic: Graphic images
Goals: Communicate through form
Objectives: Visual representation
Focus: figure/ground and asymmetry
1 icon
2 research
review of icon process
Reminder: subtract your sketched icon from your letter
If your letter is black, your image must be white
•work with shapes, not lines.
1. Finalize your icon
- Revise details to finalize your icon in Illustrator
• 5-inch square with a 1-point black outline
• Remember to use the 4 white rectangles to crop (see the letterform assignment for details) - Refine details
Look for anomalies
Make sure all edges are smooth. - Create a reverse image
what was black will be white
include a 1-point black outline
4. Don’t forget to bring your previous homework to compare
2. Research your design influencer
- Investigate your influences
Look for designers that you feel reflect your experiences, culture, influence, etc - Bring 3 names to class on Monday