Homework, week 3 due 2/9

Topic: Graphic images

Goals: Communicate through form

Objectives: Visual representation

1 icon
2. letterform

1 icon

Combine type and image to create an icon

Goal: Create a more complex figure/ground study.

Objective: Introduce the concepts of context and hierarchy to figure ground studies.


1.Create graphic sketches of your object from 4 different angles

•Draw your own, or work with an existing icon or symbol.
•For image reference, look at icons in The Noun Project for ideas.

methods (these will differ depending on your object)

• scan (to reveal very precise detail through enlargement)
• photography (for precise angles and proportion)
• explore different angles
(front and side; top, front and side view)
• explore different lighting conditions
(artificial, natural light, daylight)
• use reference (investigate existing icons and symbols)


2. Use tracing paper to subtract your image sketch from your letter.

With thick marker on tracing paper, subtract your sketched icon from your black letter

Use 3 layers of tracing paper

bottom layer: letter
middle layer: object
top layer: sketch letter without the object

process of sketching with 3 layers of tracing paper:

If your letter is black, your image must be white
•Use thick marker to work with shapes, not lines.
•Focus: figure/ground and asymmetry

3. Try different fonts

free test fonts: https://klim.co.nz/test-fonts/

4. Create 20 different sketches of letter/object combinations.


5. Watch: Use negative space in logo design; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzvJWWLTuEM

 2. letterform

    1. Finalize 1 letterform
    2. Outline your image
    3. Print, and bring to class

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