COMD 1167 e148 Fall 2016

Author: Maya Koenig (Page 1 of 2)

Conventions (3/3) | EXAM REVIEW


Points to teach:

Define thumbnails

• What does a text wrap do? What are different ways to use this feature?

Define the term folio

Define the term bleed

Why is it bad to use all caps in a paragraph such as a kicker or body copy?

Show us and define magazine’s anatomy:

– header – kicker – folio – subhead – running head – credit/byline – pull quote – caption 

• Define additional terms:

– infographics – spread (facing pages) – table of contents

What is visual hierarchy, how does it help the designer and the audience?

• List the strategies used to establish visual hierarchy as noted in our lecture, quickly define them

Explain the Quality of Typography rules regarding: 1) widows, 2) orphans and 3) hyphen errors

History & Standards (2/3) | EXAM REVIEW

History and Standards

Points to teach:

• Explain the difference between typeface and font

What are the Five Families of Type? Show a visual / List them in chronological order

• What is serif versus san serif?

• List examples of serif typefaces / List examples san serif typefaces

• What were specific traits of the Phoenician alphabet?

• What were specific traits of the Roman alphabet?

• What are the four types of alignment?

What is a style sheet?

What is a drop cap, where is it used, what does it look like?

• List the Principles of Design as mentioned in lectures, quickly define them

Typography Basics (1/3) | EXAM REVIEW

Typography Basics

Points to teach:

What is the baseline, meanline and capline (also, show where they are)?

What is a descender / ascender?

What does an x-height refer to (how is it measured)?

• Define kerning compared to tracking

Define leading

• Compare how these units measure up to each other: points, picas, inches 

• In the phrase: Helvetica 12/14what does 12/14 mean? What does is stand for?

 • What is a grid, what are the benefits of utilizing a grid?

• What is a gutter compared to a margin?

List the 6 Variations of Type from our lectures and Type Book, quickly define them


Tuesday 9/27

Get an inside look at 3D rendering, CGI, and retouching from the pros at Hudson Yards Studios. Artists from the studio will be doing live demos and Q + A.
*students will meet at 80 Broad St. @ 5:15pm (closest to Bowling Green on the 4/5 trains)

Friday 9/30

The One Club’s Here Are All The Black People is a highly anticipated multicultural creative career fair. The all-day event provides students, recent graduates, and emerging professionals the opportunity to showcase their talent to top advertising and design agencies in the industry. Register Here

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