Welcome to the OpenLab/COMD faculty training for City Tech’s Model Course and Distance Learning Initiative. This initiative provides professional development support for faculty creating openly available, fully developed instructional resources to share on the OpenLab. Faculty participating in this initiative are Course Coordinators or subject matter experts who have been asked to create model courses for the Department.

If you are interested in creating a model course, please contact the COMD Department Office, Prof. Spevack, or Prof. Goetz.


  • To provide students with access to high-quality course content for a unified approach to distance, hybrid, and in-person teaching.
  • To ensure continuity of curriculum in the event of future disruptions to in-person learning.
  • To lower barriers to entry for faculty who have less experience with technology and digital pedagogy.
  • To promote the use of best practices and consistent approaches using web-enhanced course materials and methods.
  • To encourage the use of open educational resources and open pedagogical methods to equalize access to educational materials.
  • To reduce redundant work for Course Coordinators and teaching faculty.
  • To verify that the online and hybrid learning experience is in compliance with the College’s credit hour policy. This policy requires students to commit 3 hours per week per unit of credit, with commensurate learning outcomes. (PDF)
  • To help faculty meet the recommended Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices.


In this self-paced training we will cover the following modules. Use the right sidebar navigation and back/next buttons to move through the training.

  1. What is a Model Course?
  2. Responsibilities & Deliverables
  3. Preparing Course Materials
  4. Building a Model Course
  5. Sharing your Model Course
  6. Checklist & Submission Form