A Model Course…
- is an openly available, fully developed web-based instructional resource containing course info, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, rubrics, grading policy, and more.
- can be cloned and adapted (with attribution) by other faculty teaching the course on OpenLab or as a pedagogical resource for faculty using Blackboard as their online course space.
- is created by the course coordinator and/or faculty member(s) with subject matter expertise.
- is identified with a Department Model badge on the OpenLab and is also accessible via the COMD Pedagogy Project > Course list.
- meets the recommended Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices when fully developed using the model course template.
- is considered an open education resource (OER). OERs encompass a wide variety of openly accessible education resources. An OER uses a Creative Commons license which lets others edit and remix the material.
- has been reviewed by Department Mentors, currently COMD Profs. Tanya Goetz (OLAC) and Jenna Spevack (OpenLab).
Model Course Example
Below is an example of a Model Course (in progress) which is being built using course materials from a preexisting course site. The goal is to adapt and organize course materials for other faculty to use, edit, and remix. Any references to the original course (section, year, faculty members, students, etc) will be removed. Instructional text and indicators will be provided to guide faculty using the Model Course.
Original Course:
Model Course:
- COMD1100 Model Course (in progress)