Desirée Alvarez | COMD 1100 | Fall 2020

Project 2- Thumbnails

The content and concept That I was going for was to make it seem if it was natural. The reminder of where I originated from [Guyana] have various types of plants no matter where you go. The element that I used were the black and white paint and mixed them a little to make different shades of grey from black towards white. I overlapped the colors to make a few clean lines in a few of the thumbnails. In the thumbnail that looks like a leaf has various kinds of values while having both low-key and high-key values. There’s a broad range of black to white. I decided to use the black color as the background on most of the thumbnails so that The design that I chose for each stands out more and so that they can each be unique. I stopped at 6 thumbnails because the thumbnail that I did that mostly reminds me of where I’m from was the leaf.


  1. Gui Jing Jiang

    Your drawingg look beautiful and professional. Makes me think my drawing is not good at all.

  2. Gui Jing Jiang

    Your paintings look beautiful and professional. Makes me think my painting is not good at all

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