Communications, Resources, and Support for Faculty & Staff

Category: COVID Instruction Policy

2023 Fall Semester: Faculty-Staff COVID Policy

For Fall 2023 semester, the following protocols should be followed by faculty and staff if they test positive for COVID-19:

Contact the Classified Staff Services office, HR Director Victor Humphrey at VHumphrey@CityTech.Cuny.Edu as soon as you test positive. You should notify the COMD department and course coordinator so substitute instruction can be arranged.

You should isolate (not return to campus) for 5 days after first testing positive. After 5 days you can return but must mask for 5 days if you are symptom-free. A negative test result or medical note is no longer required for clearance to return to campus.

COVID Policy: Feb 1, 2023

New Spring 2023 semester COVID-19 Campus Guidelines

Please note that the revised Guidelines from the University include the following changes relevant to City Tech, effective February 1, 2023: 

  1. Removal of COVID Visitors Policy – We will no longer require vaccination or testing for visitors.
  2. Reduction of Random Testing – We will move from testing of 10% of our population to 5%. 

Should you have concerns or questions, please reach out to Luis Venegas, City Tech’s Health & Safety Officer and COVID-19 Response Liaison.

For complete information regarding City Tech’s COVID-19 protocols and procedures, please visit **This site will be updated with the new guidelines in advance of February 1 implementation.**

2022 Spring Semester: Random Testing Instruction Guidance

There will be random testing of 5% of the CityTech college population, including fully vaccinated students, staff, and faculty.

Instructors should try their best to accommodate students who are unable to attend in-person classes due to testing positive and being unable to get onto campus. We are not able to verify their positive tests.

Please plan your in-person and hybrid courses for students who are caught in this situation. Have online resources, presentation slide decks, reading lists, and other information.

If students need more information about the process of getting back onto campus, or other COVID-related questions, send them to the CUNY COVID policies here: