
Welcome to English 1101! Before each class, I will post the day’s PowerPoint and Homework Assignment.

Today’s (Mon. Aug. 29th) PowerPoint:Β Here is the link!Β 


REMINDER: The Assignment is Due BEFORE the start of class on Wednesday.Β 

Homework PART 1:

JOIN OpenLab and explore the website! Don’t worry, you can’t break it! Play around, check it out, see what is on the site!Β 

Homework PART 2:

WRITE Complete the Introductory Writing Assignment below. **Write your response in the comment box below. Make sure to save the comment. Sometimes, I have to approve posts before they show up so if you do not see it right away, do not worry!Β 

  • Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to.Β 
  • Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being an in person student or a college student in general … whatever you want to. No censoring… except keep it kind of clean, please ;-). And a little bit about you as a reader and a writer!Β 
  • What is one thing you would like me to know about you as a reader / writer?
  • What do you like about reading? What is hard for you when you read? What type of reading do you like to do (books, magazines, Websites, etc)? What type of reading is hard for you? Be specific!
  • What do you like about writing? What is hard for you when you write? What genre do you like to write in (stories, poems, nonfiction, essays, etc)? What type of writing is hard for you? Be specific!
  • What language do you prefer to read and write in?
  • Where do you like to read (bed, subway, etc)? Do you like to read in a quiet environment or a loud busy environment? Be specific!
  • What genres do you prefer to read in (mysteries, adventures, romance, science fiction, fantasy, etc.)? What is/ are an author(s) you have enjoyed reading? What was the first book you remember reading and enjoying? Be specific!
  • What genre do you like to write in (stories, journals, songs, poems, essays, etc)? What type of writing is hard for you? Be specific!
  • What are you really good at as a reader and a writer?