Cyril’s blog 4

During my time in the human services major at city tech several courses and the assignments given in these courses have prepared me to work with teenagers the population I am interested in working with. One particular assignment associated with all my courses has helped me most, and that assignment is completing service plans. A service plan allows the worker to find and clearly list the needs of individuals, set goals and plan ways to alleviate those needs. I believe that while working with the teenage population it will be imperative for me to find the needs of individuals and set clear and concise goals that will help to alleviate those needs. This skill is extremely necessary to human service workers because it helps them to identify what is going on and set objectives and to stop unnecessary habits.
Another course that will help me with my chosen population is counseling methods. In this course we were assigned an assignment in which we had to interview others and use counseling techniques to gain information. I cannot imagine an assignment more necessary to a human service worker who is working with teenagers. This assignment helped me to understand the interviewing process and also helped me understand counseling.
In all the human services major at city tech has helped me to understand more about my chosen population and these two assignments have prepared me to better serve that population.


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