Prismatic Colors- are the colors that can be seen when white light goes through a prism. Examples of the prismatic colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Muted colors-When you take a color tone, and you mix it with white or grey, it dulls it down to make the color less. bright or in other words it makes it mutrd or mute. Jacquelyn McBain, lexicographer avocationallly. Written Sep 17, 2015. When you mute sound, you make it quieter.
Achromatic colors-
In printing, achromatic is used as a synonym for “ black and white.” A black and white print has shades of grey, but greyscale is also considered to be achromatic because it lacks hue, which means it cannot be classified as a subset of the colors red,green,blue (RGB) or yellow.