Prismatic Colors-Ā are the colorsĀ that can be seen when white light goes through a prism. Examples of theĀ prismatic colorsĀ are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.33c7b8e683ce6e50da0d045e931b940d

Muted colors-When you take aĀ Ā colorĀ tone, and you mix it with white or grey, it dulls it down to make theĀ colorĀ less. bright or in other words it makes itĀ Ā mutrdĀ orĀ mute. Jacquelyn McBain, lexicographer avocationallly. Written Sep 17, 2015. When you muteĀ sound, you make it quieter.qhy4v

Achromatic colors-

In printing, achromatic is used as a synonym for ā€œĀ blackĀ Ā andĀ Ā white.ā€ AĀ Ā blackĀ andĀ Ā whiteĀ print has shades of grey, but greyscale is also considered to be achromatic because it lacks hue, which means it cannot be classified as a subset of the colorsĀ Ā red,green,blueĀ (RGB) orĀ Ā yellow.Ā all harmonies a