Extra Credit: Hudson Yards/ Graphic Design Club

Walking from Brooklyn to Wall street seems easy compared to the work graphic/ CGI designers put into to Hudson yards. The product design they make ranges from Victoria’s secret to Chanel. When they start on a project given to them by a company they would usually have a CAD file given to them by the company to use them, but these people weren’t accustomed to how “quirky” the CAD file would be so they would use it as a template to remodel the product in order to make it easier to change it. the program used to create this is called Motto. Although they do have the program called Rhino which read CAD files better they choose to use the Motto program. When asked if they could use the Program “Maya” they declined the use because of the fact that they disliked it and it was ” too complicated” in addition to that it’s usually used by many game companies because of how well it performs with motion.In order to be efficient with their company they have render servers that would render a project that would take 2 to 3 days to render in a separate room so they can work on many other files. They’ve also mentioned a massive amount of change has occurred in this decade alone  over these. Many of the systems have been getting smaller and more efficient in creating what they need to finish what they started. Overall the trip has opened me to deeper meaning to the term of communication design because the in order to keep the customer appeased that have to communicate with them as fast as possible 20160927_1934101In Addition to the story Yes I did walk from City Tech to Hudson yards or 80 Broadway street because I forgot money for  the train.