Another Tutorial to Watch

Complex Selections Made Easy in Photoshop CS5
Here is another Adobe video to help with selecting hair

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Homework for Week One

Self-Portrait: Autobiography

Take the self portrait you took in class (using the Photobooth application on the Mac or with Webcam Snapshot) and use Photoshop to:

  • remove the background using any of the techniques we discussed in class
  • add a new background using the layers panel
  • add your name and some details about what you want to get out of this class with the Photoshop text tool

Bring the Photoshop file to class with you next week, and be prepared to drop it into my dropbox at the beginning of class.

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Welcome to Class One

Welcome to the Fall 2012 session of Raster & Vector Graphics. I am Prof. Libby Clarke, and I will be your instructor this semester.

Here are some files you will need for class today:

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