Announcements Vol. 16 Webinars

CTW Webinar on Digital Publishing and Academic Relationships

This event, to be held on 5.31.21 from 3-5 pm, will feature writers from the latest issue of City Tech Writer, City Tech’s journal of outstanding student writing. Along with faculty who sponsored their work, writers will discuss developing their work from a classroom assignment to a published article. They’ll also discuss collaborating with other students, professors, and CTW editor Professor Lucas Kwong. We’ll hear readings of excerpts, host breakout groups, and have a larger Q and A session. Profs. Kwong and Atilio Barreda (Computer Systems Technology) will host.

2) Speakers will include student authors of selected entries (still TBD), the professors who sponsored those authors’ submissions, and Profs. Kwong and Barreda.

3) Attendees will learn about the digital publishing process and its dependence on thoughtful, collaborative scholarship. They’ll also learn how to build collaborative relationships with faculty, in order to translate research into published work. Finally, in being introduced to City Tech Writer, students will be encouraged to submit future work and join our community of writers.

Register here!

Announcements Vol. 16

New website coming soon!

Well, this page has looked a little lonely this year. Don’t let the silence fool you, though: a BIG update is on the way! We are looking forward to posting the first all-digital issue of CTW very soon.

In the meantime, submissions are now open for the 2022 edition of City Tech Writer. If you’re a sponsoring professor who has a great piece you’d like us to consider, please submit the piece here (Word doc or searchable text preferred):

Issue 16 coming very soon!

Professor Lucas Kwong

Editor, City Tech Writer