Job Opportunities With Deadlines Coming Soon!


Would you like to make a meaningful difference in the community? Would you like to earn $3,500 and possibly receive credits toward your college degree? If so, the CUNY Service Corp is the right program for you!

Service Corps members are part of a University cohort of students practicing service that is aligned with their civic and professional goals. Service placements last twenty-four weeks over two semesters. Participants work 12 hours per week, are paid $12/hour and in some instances earn college credit.

Application Deadline February 29th, 2016. Find out more here

Ladders For Leaders

Ladders for Leaders is a nationally recognized program that offers high school and college students the opportunity to participate in paid professional summer internships with leading corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies in New York City. The program is an initiative of the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and supported by the NYC Center for Youth Employment and the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.

Find out more here

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