CUNY BECAS! $4800-$6630 Deadline Feb.29

The Jaime Lucero Mexican Studies Institute’s Becas program offers scholarships that range from $4800 to $6330 to CUNY undergraduate and graduate students who meet three criteria: academic excellence, financial need, and commitment to service in the Mexican community. Currently, the scholarship can only be used for tuition. The scholarship primarily aids students with little or no access to other funding sources. Because its emphasis is on financial need and because it does not discriminate based on immigration status, this program has been particularly successful in aiding undocumented students.

Scholarship recipients join the Becari@s Network of current and past Becas recipients. They participate in monthly professionalization seminars and are expected to complete internships for a total of 200 hours in an affiliated nonprofit institution. Students are matched to an internship that suits their interests, professional goals and schedules. The Institute works closely with “Becari@s,” scholarship winners, and internship sites to ensure a positive experience on both sides.

Learn How to Apply For  CUNY BECAS Here

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