Homework Assignment: due 9/24

Due: 11:30, Friday, September 24

Category: object sketch



Combining elements

Goal Create a more complex figure/ground study

Objective Increase students facility with use of figure ground


To Do

  1. sketch
  2. comment



Objects must have distinct qualities, you will need these to make your icon identifiable

Our icon will work be black and white—do not use color as an identifying  mark

Do not add to the letter. “Carve” out of the letter to create your icon


1   sketch:  subtract icon from a letter

    1. Choose a Bold letter that represents your object.
        Most often, the first letter of its name, for example: K for an image of a key.

2. With a marker on tracing paper, carve your object from the letter.

 A. You may choose to create a light pencil sketch of your icon,
     then, with a marker, add your letterform.

B. or you may draw your icon, then on tracing paper, draw the letterform around the icon

3. Create 10 or more different combinations.

4. Continue to focus on figure/ground, and balance in your studies

5. Upload to Openlab
name post: “icon sketch_firstName lastName”
category: icon sketch

Hint:  Use tracing paper to re-draw on top of your sketches to refine them. of images and icons. Redraw on top of a sketch to refine it.


Remember your design principles

Your images should “speak visually.”
Your icons should relate to your letter

Simplify. Only use shapes in your images that communicate your concept



Use negative space in logo design; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzvJWWLTuEM 

For reference, look at icons in The Noun Project for ideas https://store.thenounproject.com

Icon reference: https://www.pinterest.com/sharp/icon-inspiration/?lp=true

Symbol reference: https://www.designspiration.net/search/saves/page/1/?q=icon%20symbol





2   comment: on 2 different students’ posts

What is the icon?

Does the icon use the negative space of the letterform?
Which images work well?


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