Agenda: Thursday 3/4. poster assignment

Class Info: week 5, class 11

This agenda provides a detailed outline and gives a clear vision of the day’s class.

Date: Thursday, March 4

Goal: Organize to communicate

Category: Parks poster 4

To-Do: before class

Post your homework

Prepare to describe your work using alignment terms

Prepare to upload 2 images to Miro




Text & image: Framing

Goals: Reinforce the meaning of your text with an image

Objectives:  Create a dynamic composition that carries a message



Create your Padlet: 
Add Gordon Park quotes, images, and inspiration
Add jpgs of your poster and images

Add text:

Use alignment

Make sure your text is not centered
check that you do not have the same space above and below

Mass your white space
make sure you have a large group of white space

Do not wrap type around your image


Review: grids, proportion, and hierarchy

Introduce: framing

Activity: Miro: 


      • 2 images
      • 3 homework images

Use the template in the area defined by green on the right side of the grid


Poster: combine text and image

InDesign, revise your poster

        1. Open your best “quote” poster in InDesign
        2. Create 2 layers
        3. Make sure your text is on your top layer
        4. Add an image  to your bottom layer (under your quote)Do NOT move your quote, leave it in the same position
        5. Crop your image to fit your text composition
        6. Your text may cover image details––try to arrange so that the text is legible

7. Save a jpg & post to Miro



Homework: due March 9

2 posters

continue the process we began in class 

Use InDesign to create 3 different posters

Choose your best poster
Revise to show proportion, alignment, and hierarchy

2  Choose 2 Gordon Parks images that “relate” in some way to your quote
Use the link below to find images or research and find your own.


3  Create a poster by combining your first image and your quote

A   Add each image as a base (bottom) layer, under your quote
Do NOT move your quote yet, leave it in the same position

B   Crop the images to fit your text composition
Your text may cover image details––try to arrange so that the text is legible

C   Now you can adjust your type to create
•  emphasis
•  legibility
reinforce your message
     When you adjust any element of your type
you may need to alter the other type elements to create new alignments
REMEMBER: Your type MUST still have an aligned relationship

D  Save as a jpg.
Name “first name Parks 4 A”
Take a screenshot with your grid
Name “first name Parks 4 A ss”

4  Do the same with your second image
Name both poster and screenshot with Parks 4 B

5  Upload both posters to Openlab
Post in the CORRECT category so that you will get credit for homework
* Category sticky: Student homework completed
*  Category: Student homework completed > Parks Poster 4

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 1.36.47 PM









6    Comment on 2 posters about proportion or hierarchy









Previous class

Poster Requirements

Convey the excitement of contemporary design
to an audience of designers and students.

Size: 11 x 17

Your poster must be purely typographic:
No colors, shapes, and lines

A viewer should be able to easily understand your text.
Consider your typographic hierarchy.


week one: First draft, structure and type

week two: Second draft, image and color

week three: final presentation:

Review: To create a new InDesign poster page 

1  Open Indesign size: 11×17″

NO facing pages

Pages: 1

Columns: 5

Column gutter 0

Margins: 0

2  When open go to Layout > create guides

Rows: 3
Gutter: 0

     You now have your grid

3   Put a 1 point black rule around the entire document

4  Import your quote

5  Align your text
Align several differents items to one gridline


     The first letter or the last letter of each line of text much touch the gridl ine

     Do not have an equal amount of space above or below your text
Do not have an equal amount of space to the left or the right of your text


Gordon Parks played many roles

Choose a quote that relates to an issue close to your heart.


Do more with less

Use proportions
     Cluster your type around one of the horizontal rules for emphasis

2    Choose a typeface that honors the quote

Break the sentence into phrases and place it on the 5 column grid

Either, the beginning or the end is of each line of type
must be directly on the vertical grid line

The edge of the page is NOT a grid line

Two items must align to create a relationship

Only use type, not shapes or images

Only three sizes and styles of type

Only black or white

Don’t be a slave to the document.

For example, the name does not have to be at the top of the poster.
Instead of making one big text box,
break it into phrases and place position it for emphasis.











kendrick lamar’s Gordon Parks video


bold typography posters

gridded posters

more grids

free font resources

Guide to using Grids

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