Due: 11:30, Wednesday, December 15
goal: storytelling
objective: enrich your story
theme: motion
category: motion
to do
- motion
- comment
- process book
- portfolio
1. motion
- revise your gif
- 4. post on Openlab, category motion 3
- 5. post on Miro under Use a frame under “Motion”
Need more information: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/creating-frame-animations.html
2. comment
on 2 students’ animation
You will be graded on the quality of your critique
Does the motion consider the entire page?
What is the story?
3. process book
- finalize your book
- save each spread of your icon section as a jpg
- add to Miro use a frame under “process book”
3. portfolio
If you don’t have a portfolio in OpenLab create one
Add your poster to it