homework due 12/8

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, December 8

goal: sequencing

objective: imply motion with sequencing

theme: motion

category: motion

to do

    1. compose motion layers
    2. comment
    3. process book
    4. upload resume

1. Motion

choose 1 direction

1  create photoshop layers for motion; Motion animation instructions s2021

2. refine and add detail

3. save as gif

4. post on Openlab, category motion

5. post on Miro under Use a frame under “Motion”


Need more information: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/creating-frame-animations.html 


2. comment

on 2 students’ animation

You will be graded on the quality of your critique
Quality: did you focus on the storytelling aspect?
Does it tell a story?
What is the story?

3  process book

      1. complete the first 3 sections, letterform, and icon
        You should have all sections completed through “Poster”
      2. save each spread as a jpg and add to Miro use a frame under “process book”


4. upload resume to Google Drive

      1. Save your resume as a jpg.
      2. Correctly name and upload to the resume folder on Google Drive for grading
      3. folder: gd2_f2021_resume:  https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1mjGvjP1zWCPWB7XcchuKIk7Ajbz0OiN8
      4. Correctly name files: course and section_season year_project name_your last name_first name
        For example: comd1200_hd52_f21_resume_smith_amyplease use lower case for naming

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