Agenda 11/10

This agenda provides a detailed outline and gives a clear vision of the day’s class.

Class Info: communicate your influence

11:30, Wednesday, November 10

goal: examine contrast
objective: create meaning with emphasis

theme: posters should communicate instantly
category: type poster contrast 2


To-Do: before class

Post your homework

Prepare to describe your work

Upload 2 images to Miro

Let’s chat

It’s already November. How are you feeling?
Post a few words or an emoji in the Zoom chat that describe how you are feeling.


Breakout group




Preparing your work for your book

1   Download the InDesign Document
2.  Crop images

Why is it important to be aware of your process?

Develop & Improve:
Know when to explore, take smart risks, discover & play.
Know when to research and when to produce.

Gain confidence, clarity & direction when uncertain.

Sustain interest & momentum (+ happiness) over time.

Download your template:


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