Agenda October 15

This agenda provides a detailed outline to give a clear vision of the day’s class.

Class Info: week 8, class 15

Date: Friday, October 15

Category: hierarchy

Goals: Direct your audience’s attention

Objectives:  Understanding hierarchy

To-Do: before class

    • Post your homework
    • Prepare to describe your work in terms of graphic shape

Let’s chat

How can we show hierarchy?
Add your answer to the chat




Classroom meeting
Wednesday, October 20, 11:30
Room P116 in the Pearl Building

Field trip: Poster Museum
Friday, November 5, 11:30
119 West 23rd Street, Manhattan between 6th and 7th Avenue

Bring printed work to the class

No unvaccinated or unverified students will be allowed to enter the building.
All faculty, staff, and students must use the Cleared4Work authentication system to enter the buildings.
Students must be fully vaccinated to enter the building.

Every vaccinated person must have uploaded their Vaccination Records to CUNYFirst by 9/27/2021.

Any students who still have not received their Cleared4 link should email their name, EMPL ID and a message that they did not receive the link to:

Faculty Members who need the Cleared4Work authentication must contact Victor Humphrey and request the Cleared4Work Authentication Email to enter the building. Do this ASAP.



This Animated Video Brilliantly Explains Layout And Composition In Graphic Design

Review alignment

Proportion systems: design precedents of grid design

gridded posters

more grids

Guide to using Grids


Critique: homework grids and hierarchy

Create hierarchy
Rythm through grids and proportion


New project: influence poster

Design a poster about your influence.
Use form, color, and typography, but not images.
Constraint: use a grid system to place elements on the page.

The most important thing is that you think in systems.
What happens when you rotate the grid?
Come up with an idea first, and then implement it step by step.
Bring to class a simple poster


Rit historic posters:

After World War II, designers in Switzerland and Germany codified Modernist graphic design into a cohesive movement called Swiss Design, or the International Typographic Style. These designers sought a neutral and objective approach that emphasized rational planning and de-emphasized the subjective, or individual, expression. They constructed modular grids of horizontal and vertical lines and used them as a structure to regularize and align the elements in their designs. These designers preferred photography (another technical advance that drove the development of graphic design) as a source for imagery because of its machine-made precision and its ability to make an unbiased record …(100 of 10091 words)

Design Influence

Your poster will introduce your design influencer to viewers who are unfamiliar with your designer.

This is not simply a summary of your research—take advantage of the large size and presentation capacity of the poster format to embody the spirit of your designer.

Your poster should visually present information that will give the viewer a sense of your designer’s philosophy, history, anecdotes, etc.
Look at your designer’s use of typefaces, grid structure, etc.
Your viewer should be able to easily understand the spirit of your designer.
Convey contemporary design. It should not look “retro.”

Images will be used later, for now, text information will make the “imagery.”

Images used should be visually appealing and informative. If it can be interpreted as decoration—don’t use it. Give attribution of all images used.

In class

Decide on the elements you will use in your poster. Begin by considering the typographic hierarchy of the information, appropriate typefaces, and grid.

In pencil on tracing paper. Create 6 different sketches for your poster based on 3 different grids. Use the grids on the3 back of this page. Do NOT center!

Remember what we learned about the alignment of elements. You are using a grid to define the placement of your elements.

Note the typefaces and elements used in the sidebars of your sketches.


Due Next Class

Homework Assignment: due 10/20

    • Revise
    • Print



  illustrator Tools Tutorial
    •     Watch the first 3 features, the first 18 minutes

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