Due: 11:30, Friday, October 8
Category: icon final
To Do
- make
- comment
- research
1. make: finalize your icon
- Final size: 5×5″ Digital black and white 2 point rule around the outside
2. Create a negative image
3. Save in illustrator or pfd format
4. Post jpgs of positive and negative images on Openlab Upload to Openlab name post: “icon digital2_firstName lastName” category: icon final
2. comment: on 2 different students’ grid posts
3. research, due Friday: design interest
Choose 3 design influencers to investigate this semester
- Open a Padlet account, padlet.com
2. Compile basic information about your designer in a Word or text document
- name
- dates
- location
- medium
- quote
3 Choose 3-4 images of your designers work
add text and images to your padlet
4 Be prepared to discuss on Friday 10/8
- https://www.peoplesgdarchive.org/
- https://www.commarts.com/webpicks/graphic-design-archive
- https://archives.design/
- https://www.politicalgraphics.org/
- https://www.aiga.org/resources/design-history-resources-and-archives
- http://www.designhistoryteachingresources.org/resources.html
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KiW2ULDFeIm_OuvwhM2lygxwhoNddrEFk5tYI9zbldw/edit
- https://www.rit.edu/carycollection/graphic-design-archive
- https://designarchives.aiga.org/#/home
- http://www.designhistoryteachingresources.org/resources.html