Homework Assignment: due 9/29

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, September 29

Category: icon sketch 2


To Do

    1. sketch
    2. comment
    3. submit


1. sketch

Combine one icon with one letter
Carve your icon from your letter’s negative space
Do not add to your letter
Continue to focus on figure/ground, and balance in your studies
Work in black and white
Your images should “speak visually.” Your icon should relate to your letter 

You have 2 options, sketch with markers or digital sketches


        1. Using tracing paper, revise your studies
        2. Create 8 variations
        3. Upload to Openlab
          name post: “icon sketch2_firstName lastName”
          category: icon sketch 2
          describe: When you upload state if you carved the icon from the letter
          or if you added to the letter

With a marker on tracing paper, carve your object from the letter.

 A. You may choose to create a light pencil sketch of your icon,
     then, with a marker, add your letterform.

B. or you may draw your icon, then on tracing paper, draw the letterform around the icon


      1. Use the same process as with markers but layer your images
      2. Carve your icon from the letter—do not add to the letter



Preparation resources

Use negative space in logo design; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzvJWWLTuEM

For reference, look at icons in The Noun Project for ideas: thenounproject.com

Icon reference: https://www.pinterest.com/sharp/icon-inspiration/?lp=true

Symbol reference: https://www.designspiration.net/search/saves/page/1/?q=icon%20symbol


2.   comment: on 2 different students’ posts

What is the icon?

Does the icon use the negative space of the letterform?
Which images work well?


3.   submit: upload your final figure-ground compositions to the Google Drive as jpg

Upload your final digital studies that were uploaded to OpenLab

Naming procedure for Google Drive
name files: course and section_season year_project name_last name_
For example: comd1200_f21_figure-ground_smith_amy

Add to this folder: gd2_f2021_figure-ground letterform

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