Homework Assignment: due 9/22

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, September 22

Categories: figure-ground letter final, object photo


To Do

    1. finalize your letter
    2. comment
    3. photograph


1   Finalize: your letterform

1.  Refine your letterform


          • square format?
          • 5 x 5 inches
          • does the design use shape or line?
          • does it have an equal amount of black and white?
          • does it demonstrate a figure-ground principle? (does the eye shift back and forth between
          • does it have a 2pt. black rule around the composition
          • is it cleanly drawn? Either black or white, no grey areas, no stray pixels


2. Once it is completed, create a negative version, with a 2 pt black rule.

A negative version uses the opposite color.
What was black will be white, what was white will be black.

          • The positive and negative versions MUST be exactly alike except using the opposite color
          • One way to do this is to “invert” your letterform in photoshop
            • Select object  >  Image > Invert

pos neg figure/ground


***** Notice, these examples have pixels around the edges. Your final version should be “clean” with no pixels!student letterform Pos & Neg vashnee


this image is “clean”




3.  Post both to OpenLab

name post:

figure-ground letter final_Positive_firstName lastName”
figure-ground letter final_Negative_firstName lastName”

category: figure-ground letter final


2   comment: on 2 different student’s posts

Comment using the assignment criteria, see above, and the figure/ground relationship.

      • Does it fit all the criteria?
      • Give your assessment in terms of what is working or is not clear.
      • Use descriptive language; balance, weight, line, form, etc. Words like nice and good don’t explain much.
      • Be direct: too much white? too much black? Explain why.
      • Is the negative version an exact negative replica of the positive?


3   sketch:  2 objects

In our next project, we will create an icon from an object that you can hold in your hands

Objects must have distinct qualities, you will need these to make your icon identifiable

For example, if your object is in the shape of a square without any discernable marks, your icon may be interpreted as a square and not your object

Our icon will work be black and white. do not use color as an identifying  mark

1.    Choose 2 objects

2.   Examine the objects to find their essential qualities
       • Explore your object from different angles
       •  What are the essential qualities that visually “explain” the function of your object?

3.   Photograph in black and white both objects from 4 different angles
       •  Experiment with different types of lightening
                  strong shadow/light or soft
       • If your photo is in color, change it to black&white before posting

4.  Save as jpg. and upload one post for each object

5.  Post and Name 
         “object photo (the name of your object)_Yourlastname Firstname”
         example “object photo microphone_Yourlastname Firstname”          
         Category: object photo

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