Assignment: homework due 10/15. alignment history


Category: type comp

Due:  October 15 at  1 pm


1  Proportion

1  Use a grid, 5- or 3-column

            •  golden ratio proportion (your 5-column grid) (image below)
            • rule of thirds proportion (your 3-column grid)

2  Add dummy type to emphasize the grid
                we should have a sense of the grid, even when it is not showing

3  Use hierarchy to create a composition based on each proportion system                       •  use at least 3 levels of hierarchy
               •  where do you place hierarchy to emphasize the grid?

4    Save as jpg
             •   New naming system: “Firstname_type comp”

5  Take a screenshot of your composition with your grid
                and golden ratio (if you used it)
            •  Name: “Firstname_type comp grid”

6    Post your 2  images  
         use post category:  type comp

7    Comment on the organization and use of the grid 
             on 2 different student’s work







golden ratio

golden ratio





2  Research

1  Compile basic information about your designer in a Word or text document

          • name
          • dates
          • location
          • school attended
          • predominant typefaces used
          • color palette
          • quote

2  Choose 1-2 pieces of your designers work that has alignments

    add to your padlet
   we will map it’s grid system together in class




To add a post:

In the WordPress Dashboard, click on the tab Posts > Add New to create a new post

        • Name post “graphic drawing _Yourlastname Firstname”
        • Assign a category graphic drawing  &   student work in the menu on the right side.
        • Be sure to select ” image  letter sketches ” in categories

choose category

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