thank you letter


Courtney Heslop


To whom it may concern:

Thank you for the great opportunity of interviewing with you on Wednesday, September 01, 2013. The Registered Nurse position we discussed is a magnificent opportunity for which I feel I am uniquely qualified. This position gives me the opportunity to foster growth while growing with the company into the future.

I am grateful for your time and information you shared with me during this informative interview. As we discussed, my background in nursing will enable me to work efficiently together with my co-workers and lead them into a positive. Not only I am able to perform the required tasks efficiently, but also, I understand which nursing techniques should be utilized per situation and the importance of the reaching the goal.

If you need any further information from me, please do not be uncertain to contact me by phone at (XXX) XX-2454. Thank you for meeting with me. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.


Courtney Heslop (RN)