My Duties: Order Set-Up For Manufacturing


My duties at Top captains continued to increase as the weeks went by. I enjoyed learning about how to operate a business. I learned so much about preparing art work for printing apparel and merchandise. I also learned about the importance of details and that related to a lot of the stuff that I learned in school about relaying information clearly. I found this important to my internship because the company did business with many manufacturers from over seas and because of language barriers all information had to be related clearly so there would be no room for any mistake during production. During week four , on a typical day I would come in and upon opening the shop I would meet the main graphic designer to begin the work day. The next thing that I would do is check the cork bulletin board and start the next task that was scheduled. Throughout the day the main designer allows me to work at my own pace just as long as things are completed in a timely fashion. To me this made the atmosphere and the job much more enjoyable and friendly.

I was in charge of setting up a large orders with their embroidery company. I was instructed to contact the company and relay the information needed to complete the project. I was in charge of this product design and order set-up from the start. This experience really helped me understand the process of creating quality apparel a lot more which also gave me a greater appreciation of quality clothing. I now understand that it takes a lot of attention to detail for these products to achieve the high quality that they have. This is a trait that i can use through my graphic design career.