• Samsur Rahman, Enayet Hossain, Donald Radford, “Synergistic Effects of Processing and Nanofiber Reinforcement on the Mechanical and Ferroelectric Performance of Geopolymer Matrix Composites”, Accepted in Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2017.
  • Samsur Rahman, Donald Radford, “Evaluation of the Geopolymer/Nanofiber Interfacial Bond Strength and their Effects on Mode-I Fracture Toughness of Geopolymer Matrix at High Temperature”. Composite Interfaces, 1-15, DOI: 10.1080/09276440.2017.1279479.
  • Samsur Rahman, Donald Radford, “Cure cycle optimization of an inorganic polymer matrix materials for high temperature fiber reinforced composites”. Composite A: Applied Science and Manufacturing , 85(2016), 84-93 .
  • Alarifi, Ibrahim M, Samsur Rahman et al. “Synthesis, analysis and simulation of carbonized electrospun nanofibers infused carbon prepreg composites for improved mechanical and thermal properties.” Fibers and Polymers 17.9 (2016): 1449-1455.
  • IM. Alarifi, R Asmatulu, Samsur Rahman et al “Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Carbonized PAN Nanofibers Cohesively Attached to Surface of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites.” Macromolecular Symposia. 365 (1), 2016.
  • Samsur Rahman, Vijaya Rangari ,“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Woven Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites with Carbon Nanotubes Grown in-Situ”. The International Journal of Engineering Science , 2015, ANED- 09.1913/041202054061.
  • Samsur Rahman, V Rangari, “Fabrication of carbon nanotubes grown woven carbon fiber/epoxy composites & their electromechanical properties”, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 214903, 2013.
  • Vijaya  Rangari, Samsur Rahman, Shaik Jeelani. “Mechanical, Thermal and Conducting Properties of CNTSs/Biodegradable Polymer Thin Films”. Journal of Applied Polymer science, 129, 1249, 2013.