How writing changed me

BROOO! I kid you not! at the beginning of the semester I realized my writing was horrible I couldn’t write fully understandable sentences my thesis statements were vague. my grammar, capitalization, and punctuations were horrible. I’ve never liked to write AT ALL! even though my handwriting is awesome it always seemed boring , But until now I realize some major improvements my thesis statements became  proper. I would find myself correcting my grammar, capitalizing letters and actually putting periods and commas, as you’ll see in this writing assignment. On the other hand I’m still having trouble in certain areas such as trying to explain what it is I’m trying to say and putting it on paper For example whenever you go out and you talk to someone it’s like you just know the right words to say, but when it comes to putting it down on paper it’s like you have to actually think about which words you can use and cannot use. One thing that I actually like about writing is my handwriting it’s just beautiful ok let me stop. What I really enjoy is that with writing I can put a lot of my emotions into it giving me a deeper connection with myself since I’m connecting more with my feelings.

College Effect!

My academic writing has improved a lot compared back to my high school writing. I have learnt many new skills that have positively improved my of the skills that has significantly improved is the structure in mu essays, my essays have a more solid structure than before. However I need to keep working on transitions. My transitions from idea to idea are not solid yet. I’m hoping to learn how to improve my transitions.
Argumentative essays are my favorite essays to do. When people dont agree with my ideas I challenge my self to counter there ideas. I  learn from them and this helps me develop better analytic skills and over all helps me with my academic writing.

How my writing has improved

One aspect of my writing that has strongly improved is my writing transitioning. Before I began the class, I struggled getting my idea across from the thesis to the main essay point, and my readers didn’t really understand the format of my essay because it was unclear where my ideas where set it aside from the authors idea. I believe i improved a lot because reading my new writing vs how my writing was in high school in has really changed on a positive scale but, if there was one weakness that I would like to work on it is how to conclude my idea mean that if I need to wrap up my work i often have trouble making a short and simple conclusion. After all this class time, I now love making conclusions because I feel that it is very easy, where other people would struggle making one. This is how I improved on writing.

Assignment 2

Before comming to college i wasn’t comfortable writing essays and papers but i didn’t mind doing them. One aspect of my writing that has improved since the begining of the semester is the tone through out my essays. One aspect of academic writing that still challenging me is writing more words because i will run out of ideas and informations. One aspect of academic writing that i enjoy is learning more from the sources.

OpenLab Assignment for FYLC (Extra Credit! Extra Credit!)


The following prompt is not required for our course. If you do choose to take this opportunity, your grade will replace one of our two in-class Reading Quizzes. To get credit, you must post on this FYLC site and comment on two other students’ posts.

It’s mid-semester! We invite you to continue telling your story about becoming a college student at City Tech. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition in to college and how, eventually, students become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong.

Please describe how you have experienced your first months at City Tech. Aim to write 300-500 words and be sure to illustrate your post with examples from your own experiences in classes, seminars, lectures, study groups, and labs. What happened? How did you and others involved think and feel? How did it turn out?

We hope this process will help you think about your transition experience. Once you have posted your own story, please take time to read and comment on at least two of your peers’ stories.


  • Once you have finished writing your post, select your FYLC faculty member as a category. Note: You are Sears & Sears.
  • Read and comment on your peers’ writing. You can post on writing from courses other than ours!
  • If you are looking to read stories from one specific FYLC, select a faculty “category” at the bottom of the page.

Academic Writing

College writing is a bit more precise than usual writing standards. Arranging paragraphs in a structural manner which include a proper topic sentence or being able to write sentences in the correct form is good but enough. Academic writing requires a certain type of format and depth. Balancing your personal viewpoint with the opinion of others to reason and analyze research is one aspect of college writing. Stating a clear and powerful thesis statement throughout the writing and most importantly convincing the reader with personal perspective and legit facts is also an essential factor. I have learned many new factors of academic writing such as transitional sentences, rhetorical strategies, critical writing, and MLA formatting. The use of my rhetorical techniques has improved which has helped me in developing a writer’s sense and creating a firm argument thoroughly. Transitional sentences are complex and hard to write, and I have struggled with writing proper transitional sentences, but once you get used to writing a lot, transitional sentences become interesting to write. I prefer to write narrative essays over research essays. Research essays are mainly fact based which is why I find them tedious and extensive. Whereas narrative essays are more creative and allow the writer to have more freedom with words. College writing in general influences a person to take control of what others are thinking in words and dominating that.

OpenLab Assignment 1: FYLC-My First Weeks at City Tech

For this assignment, you will write about your first weeks at City Tech and post them on the OpenLab site on our FYLC group page. (Yes….yet another project you have to join). This project page is public to OpenLab members but will not be visible to people outside of the Open Lab community. Here is the link to the task you must complete:

Here is the assignment but do not post here. Post on the FYLC site:

From First Year Learning Communities:
“We invite you to tell a story about your first few weeks at City Tech. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition in to college and how eventually students become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong.

Please describe in a short story how you have experienced your first few weeks at City Tech. Aim to write 300-500 words and be sure to illustrate your post with examples from your own experiences in classes, seminars, lectures, study groups, and labs. What happened? How did you and others involved think and feel? How did it turn out?

We hope this process will help you think about your transition experience. Once you have finished writing please take time to read and comment on at least two of your peer’s stories.

To create your first post please click the plus (+) sign at the top of the FYLC page!

Once you have finished writing your post please select your FYLC faculty member as a category.

Then feel free to look around and read and comment on your peers’ writing!

(If you are looking to read stories from one specific FYLC select a faculty “category” at the bottom of the page)


Open Lab Assignment #1: Introduce Yourself! -DUE Sept. 6

In class we’ve talked about how one of the challenges of acclimating to college is making friends. One reason this is challenging is that making friends requires you to reveal just a little about yourself.

For our class, your first post on our class OpenLab site will be your introduction to our class.

COMBO OpenLab Post 1: Due Sept. 6 (midnight)

For this assignment, write a short paragraph that responds the following questions. Remember these will be posted for our class and the OpenLab community to see!

  1. What is your current career interest and/or major? And/or: how did you find out about City Tech and/or what made you decide to start your college career here?
  2. What is the biggest adjustment you’ve had to make since entering City Tech? If you are a second semester student, this could be an adjustment you had to make last semester.
  3. What keeps you centered in the midst of the many changes you are going through as a student? (Do you think about the degree you are getting? How getting an education might help you or your family? About getting closer to a dream you’ve always had? Or is there some kind of (healthy!) hobby that keeps you on track, such as athletics, art, music, a social or community group?
  4. What is one thing you have already learned about yourself in the midst of these changes? (Be generous with yourself!)

More Directions:

  • Post this on our Open Lab site with a photo that best represents you and/or your something you referenced in your post.
  • Remember: you are being graded on this! You will be assessed on: finishing the assignment on time, answering all of the four questions; posting an image with your post.
  • If you can’t figure out how to post on the site, send the paragraph to me along with a jpeg photo attachment. I will post the information on OpenLab. (Please don’t photos in another format.)
  • Regarding privacy, you can use your Open Lab handle if you are not comfortable using your full name on the website. Also, your picture can be of an object (for example, your response to question 2) if you do not want to post a picture of yourself.
  • Have fun with this assignment! We might read a few posts out loud in class if time permits.