Updated Syllabus on Course Information Page

Hi All,

I sent an email and am also contacting you here! I’ve updated our syllabus to reflect the later date for revised research essays. As discussed in class:

Tuesday, Dec. 12: In-Class Essay 4 and Review of Diagnostic Essay 2

Thursday, Dec. 14: Revisions of Research Essay Due (Prep for Final Exam–distribution of Final Exam, Part 1)

Tuesday, Dec. 19: Final Exam, Part 2, In-Class; DUE: Final Exam Part 1 (required); Revisions for Essay 4

Resources for Essay 4: Tues.. Dec. 12-10 am!

Hi All,
Here is the information from the Assignments page of our OpenLab site! Just posting it here for easier reference. Email me with questions!

Essay 4:

In-class essay: Dec. 7

Resource 31: Ta-Nehisi Coatesā€™ ā€œLetter to My Sonā€
Study Sheet for the In-class Essay 4
Transitions for Integrating Sources
Transitions for Beginnings, Middles, and Ends

Resource 32: Ta-Nehisi Coates Interviewed on NPR’s “Fresh Air”

This interview with Terry Gross on her NPR show Fresh Air was recorded in July 2015, right after the book Between the World and Me was published. In this discussion, Coates discusses many topics discussed in the book and the excerpt we are reading, “Letter to My Son”: his close friend Prince who was killed by the police, the complicated politics and risks of walking down the street as a kid in Baltimore, and an incident in which he was arrested for threatening a teacher while in high school and why he did it.

We won’t have time to listen to the full interview in class (though I hope to get at least to 20 min.!) Ā but you can listen to the whole length on your own:


Resource 31: “Letter to My Son” by Ta-Nehisi Coates


This essay, which appeared in The Atlantic in July 2015, is an excerpt from Coates’ book Between the World and Me, which went on to win many well deserved awards for the quality of its writing and the necessity of its subject. In our class, we will read this closely over two class sessions, and consider it in context of events that have happened since its writing and in context with other interviews and topicesĀ we have considered..